I am sorry I didn't post this earlier. I have stopped posting my blog on this web site.

Please see: and click the "blog" button at the top. There you will find my updates from last week and the daily blogs from this point on.

Thank you for reading!

P.S. If you are on facebook, you can click "Connect with Facebook" and have the ability to leave coments and other things as well.

I will see you soon at


Freak Show

Have you ever been to a freak show? I would doubt you have, unless you are mature in years (polite way of saying “old”). I have never been to a real freak show.

Freak shows were popular between the mid 1800’s and the mid 1900’s. They seem to have lost their popularity today… Or have they?
The bearded woman. The extremely short man. The deformed person. Cow with 2 heads. And on and on. (I had to be careful as to which ones I mentioned, as most were gross or offensive. Sorry.)

People would pay to go inside of a tent or room somewhere and see a “freak”. People got a thrill from seeing something that is or was different. Come on, a lady with a beard? Who wouldn’t want to see that? A person with 10 fingers… on one hand. You’re signing up now.
Even though we don’t see freak shows in the same way anymore, and even though they aren’t under the same name. We still have freak shows. If you don’t believe me turn your TV on. Or better yet, walk into a church.

I have met more freaks in the church than I have out. Now, wouldn’t that be a good thing as the church is a “hospital for sinners”? Absolutely! Unfortunately, I am not referring to the normal people. I am referring to the “Christians” who go to church on Sunday morning then transform into totally different people before they hit the restaurant for lunch.

I’m sure you’ve seen this, is it is a freakish thing and quite possibly one of the most amazing things we have seen in real life. This person has one body suit on inside the church and a totally different one outside. They are happy, singing, raising their hands, amen-ing the preacher, dropping money in the plate, crying at the altar and having great spiritual conversations. Then the transformation happens when they walk out the doors. It is kind of like supermans transformation, you see fragments of their old suit laying past the door and in the parking lot as they run into their different life.

“We’re all stars now, in the FREAK show.”

Perhaps this is part of the reason why many churches in America are shrinking. People have gotten bored with the freak show and are looking for something real.
Perhaps people have just realized what is going on and are hacked that we don’t admit it?
I tend to agree with the second speculation. Many people have been entertained over the years with the churches freak show. But, now they want the church to be real. They still like the freak show. But they are sick of it being called something else.

People might attend church for church if we would call it what it is.

I don’t know about you, but I would bet that we all fit in to the freak category in one way or another. The problem is that many of us freaks won’t admit it. We have 10 fingers on one hand and act like we are normal. We try to cover up our deformity’s.

Maybe the church shrinkage would slow or stop if we would admit our freakishness.
What is more important, hiding our deformity or sharing Jesus? Let’s go with option “B”.

Thoughts About Yesterday

I started falling asleep about 2 hours before church last night... not good, I felt mentally exhausted. I went to Kennedy coffee and learned that milder coffee actually has more caffeine. The barista made me a french press organic Mexican coffee, that rocked my world. I won't lie, I felt a little high. Hey, it was coffee, don't judge me!

Josh and Greg led us in worship last night. They rocked it! Josh wrote a song called "Hallelujah." All I can say!

Isn't it interesting how some people think it is their job to "fix" other people and point their sins out? Where do they get the idea that they are so great and sinless? Sinless enough to act like they are god to other people? If this person is you, I'll be your friend, you probably don't have many. Just a note. It is our job to love people to Jesus and Holy Spirit's job to convict them of sin.

In my arrogance and cockiness I believe that I have many gifts. OK, seriously now, I do believe I have some gifts, one for sure - vision. God has laid a HUGE vision on my heart and mind for Bentonville. I am so jakd to share it! I am ironing details this week, I will bring it to church this Sunday - be there!

I love Cross Culture - Church for the City! The people are great, we have a great time and Jesus is the boss!

I am in love with Jesus!

Legalistic people say: "You're going to hell." Jesus says: "I love you, come to me."

Started a new rigid schedule yesterday. I am both jakd and nervous about it. It is rigid. (I just like to say "rigid", it sounds cool. It really is rigid though.)

People falling in love with Jesus is what it is all about! Are you in love with Jesus?

Thoughts About Yesterday

Yesterday was a big day! We started our new series "Blank! Christians." There were definitely a few moments of tension. Yes, I did compare many Christians to rabid dogs.

Jesus is worth being passionate about!
Jesus was. And He still is!
As cliche and religious as it sounds, Jesus is alive! He is real, He is not just a character out of a history book.
To know someone you have to spend time with them.

I am so excited about the major players that come to Cross Culture, Church for the City. We have some people that really love Jesus and want to work do everything they can to make Him famous through their lives!

I did say "Jesus is my homeboy!"

Cross Culture, Church for the City is growing!

I love how everyone was engaging in so much conversation and we practically had to kick people outside! Great friends!

We are still tracking on our yard sale fundraiser. Still need more donations, ask everyone you know. It is spring cleaning time after all!

Jakd for next week. Bring someone with you! We are going to open a can! Oh yes! You know what I'm sayin'!

Guilty, Many Counts of Good Works

Do you get judged like I do? Whether to my face or behind my back people are judging me. Most of us judge other people.

I think about the religious of our day and from past years. It seems that their goal is to catch others in sin, in bad places doing bad things. In reading about Jesus, this is true even about Him so many years ago.

If we study Jesus we see that He lived a perfect-sinless life. So, when the religious tried to judge Him they had no ground to stand on. I love one response Jesus gives in John:

Again some of the people picked up stones to kill Jesus. 32 But he said to them, "I have done many good works from the Father. Which of these good works are you killing me for?" (John 10:31-32, emphasis mine)

Jesus said this around the time of the feist of dedication. People we asking Him to say that He is truly "Christ" or "The Messiah," He was explaining that He was. We find the above Srcipture after His statements.

I find several things interesting, here are a couple:

-In verse 31, it says "Again some of the people picked up stones..." Meaning, this had happened before. These people were quick to judge and condemn.

-Jesus was quick on His feet. He asked "Which of these good works are you killing me for?" I think I can hear Jesus sounding kind of smartalic-ish. I really almost laugh. It is such a great response.At the same time, I am challenged. Jesus knew that He was without sin. This tells me to do what God tells me to do. Avoid sin at all cost. If all someone can judge me for is good works, I am in great shape!

As a Christ Follower, I want to live by Jesus example. The religious people seem to be everywhere. Jesus lived without sin and did good works from and for The Father. Since most of us will not be able to avoid judgement from the religious. As Jesus didn't either. We should give good works as the only thing to be judged.

Are You Performing Miracles?

Do we share Jesus out of obligation or out of love for people? So many times people think that the act of sharing Jesus is just that an act. In reality we are sharing something or someone all of the time.

Does anger rule your life? If so, you are sharing anger all of the time. Selfishness? Pride? Whatever we allow to rule our life is what we are sharing.

I think that many of us have been trained that to share Jesus we have to do all of this work. When working for Jesus is great and we should. What's better is allowing Him to manifest Himself through us so more people will come to Him.

When Jesus walked the earth in physical body, people came to Him and were attracted to Him because of His teaching and miracles. Hey, who wouldn't be attracted to miracles? I would be absolutely amazed to see a blind person recieve sight, a lepor be healed or a lifeless person recieve their life back! Who wouldn't want to see that?

It is hard to believe that we could be sharing Jesus simply by the way we live; our attitude, actions, stories we tell and choices we make.
Has someone you know ever been so excited that they were radiating with joy and happiness? Didn't you want to know what got them so excited? When we allow Jesus to consume us and we allow Him to radiate through us, people will be attracted.

Furthermore, miracles. Have you ever performed miracles? Most of us will probably answer emphatically "no." In rality, many of us have already. And more of us will in the future.
Recently a good friend of mine helped me get my car fixed. Our fender had gotten mangled by the door. He got is straightened out and helped me put it back on. This friend was performing miracles.

In the recent ice storm in NWA there was a gentleman who made the news because of his selfless assistance to the elderly people on his street. He was cutting wood, cleaning yards and ensuring people had everything they needed. This guy was performing miracles.
When Jesus performed miracles like healing someone or turning water into wine, He was meeting immediate needs.

What kind of immediate needs can we meet?

Events, trips and and classes are great tools in your box. But, what tools could you use on a daily basis?

My questions to you: Are you living Jesus? Are you performing miracles? If not, why not?

If you or someone you know has performed miracles please share them. These stories are great examples of how we can join as well!

Jesus In Bentonville

I took a walk through downtown this morning. My love for this city is growing more and more every day. The sound of cars echoeing off of the buildings. The sight of people running in and out of Java on the square for their morning coffee fix. The way the sun hadn't fully rose yet. The coolness in the air. The presence of God!

I counted 9 churches on my brief walk this morning. There are plenty more for sure! Bentonville is in part of the country that is considered the "Bible belt." There is a ton of religion here.
Why bring Cross Culture, Church for the Cityto Bentonville?

I believe that Bentonville along with most of the world is missing out on the most important person they could ever come in contact with. Jesus Christ. I beleive that if the people of Bentonville met Jesus, He could change their lives! I believe that this life change could result in more successful marriages. Happier home lives. Less depression. And, among many more things, more dreams!

Jesus changes things! Sure, His ways may not seem at first to be that attractive to all of us. But, from my experience, He rocks peoples world! He has by far rocked mine! I love Jesus with all of my heart!

Bentonville. Are you ready!?!

Are You Perfect?

Christians are by far, too perfect! Doesn't it seem like to be a "Christian" you have to nearly be sinless? Isn't there a pressure to be sinless? Many times that pressure pushes people away from faith in Christ, instead of to Him.

Personally, I could never live up to the standard that many religious people, churches and Christians in general put up. It is easy to get discouraged when we screw up. We feel like we will never be able to be those "perfect" Christians.

I work hard to be the person God wants me to be, but I don't think I will achieve perfection until Heaven. Even Paul struggled with sin. Look at Romans 7:14-25. The difference between Paul and some of us is that he identified this and relies on Jesus. Many of us rely on ourselves, our own righteousness.

As Christians, we need to accept people the way they are and introduce them to Jesus. We do this by living like Him and loving like Him. We don't do this by setting rules and regulations. Restrictions cause rebellion!

Jesus changed my life! However, it wasn't until I really started to get to know Jesus (11 years after I got saved) that He truly changed me. Why? I didn't allow it. Why didn't I want to? I was overcome with rules!

I don't want to be that arrogant, self righteous, stuck up, holier than thou christian. Why? That christian is chasing people away from Jesus. I want people to want to meet Jesus!

By the way Jesus didn't come to condemn the world. Why do many of us Christians feel like it is our job to?

Ok Coffee

I was making coffee a couple of days ago and realized that I didn't really know how to make coffee. The bag says 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces of water. I measured my coffee pot, and discovered that the "6, 8, etc." doesn't mean 6, 6oz cups it means 6, 4oz cups.
I just felt like the coffee pot and I have never had an honest relationship. I feel like the coffee pot has been mis-leading me for a long time.

Had the coffee pot been mis-leading me? No! I have just been too lazy to learn what it means. I don't even remember seeing the instructions. I probably threw them away without a thought. Do I have a right to be mad at the coffee pot? No! Again, it is my fault. I have been the one mis-understanding it. Not the other way around.

What is it in your life that you are mis-understanding? Does your spouse do something? How about your co-workers? What about your friends or parents?

Call them up, go to their house. Discover what they really mean. Most arguments, fights and disagreements are caused because of a mis-communication - a mis-understanding.

Now that I have cleared the mis-communication between the coffee pot and I, I don't wonder anymore. I feel confident. Now, I can make some great coffee the way it was intended to be made.

Do you want to have ok coffee? Or, do you want to have it the way it was intended?

Forget the Rules!

We did not have the internet for 2 days! A few years ago I would have thought that to be no big deal. These days, it's a big deal!

I have woke up in Bentonville for the 3rd time now! It is awesome! I really feel like Bentonville is God's city! I am so excited about being here, doing business here. Doing church here. And, living life here!

I spoke a bit about this Scripture last Sunday: "As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live in him.7 Keep your roots deep in him and have your lives built on him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful." Colossians 2:6-7

At Cross Culture, Church for the City we are in a series called "Blank Christians, Discovering the First Six."

We are discovering who Christ is, who we are in Christ, what Christ did, how to live like Christ and more. I am so jakd about this series! Many of us have been taught for many years how to live by a certain set of rules and a certain moral code. We have even been given Scripture to back most of it. But, we are still missing something! Christ. We need to do Colossians 2:6-7 and "Live in [Jesus]." and build our lives on Him.

It is easy to say this, but a little bit more difficult to actually do it.... until we know how. Come to Cross Culture, Church for the City and discover Christ with us!

Forget the rules, remember Christ!

Last Night

I have the song "Girls just want to have fun" stuck in my head. Come on, you know it. Whooaaoooa, oh, girls just want to have fun. I want this to go away!

My Carmen and Lily Grace are absolutely the most precious little girls ever! I love them!

Moving is hard work.

I have slept my last night in Springdale! Tomorrow I wake up in God's city, Bentonville!

Have you ever watched TV and seen those perfect husbands or wives? Ya know, the wife is always perfect? She never misses a beat? You have a good picture of her in your head? You are more than likely picturing my wife! Mindy is absolutely, by far the greatest wife ever!

"I am the Lord, the God of every person on the earth. Nothing is impossible for me."
Jeremiah 32:27 Enough said!

I love Jesus!

Selfish to Selfless

"I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell people the Good News about God's grace." Acts 20:24

"I don't care about my own life." Wow! That is a powerful sentence. I wonder if I mean this when I say it. I think that sometimes I do but most of the time I don't. My mission in life is to bring people to Christ and help "believers" become devoted Christ followers. It is extremely hard to forget about self and go all out.

"Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

I love this! Don't many of us spin our wheels and wear ourselves out trying to make people happy. I give up on that (repeatedly). The Creator of the universe is the only one who deserves that.

I am a selfish person. I want whatever I can get. I want nice cars, a big house full of great stuff, new, trendy clothes and a lot of money! Can you relate to this? The attitude God is inspiring me to have is one that constantly pleases Him, it is selfless and sharing Him with others. I don't see a 52" LCD in there. God created me to please Him!

Since God knows everything. He knew we would be a selfish people. So, He gave us a gift, no, not a 52" LCD TV, something much bigger than that. He gave us a Cross with His only Son hanging on it. The TV would give us enjoyment for a few hours a week until the newer bigger one came out. When God gave us His Son, He gave us the opportunity to have an abundant and eternal life. Knowing Jesus inspires me to be selfless.

P.S. The "abundant" life He gives us is pretty great as well!

What you know about that?

Someone leased our house Wednesday night! We need to be totally out by Sunday! WOW! I negotiated a deal for a sweet house in Bentonville yesterday morning. Unfortunately they called me last night and changed their mind. Plan B.

We don't have a plan B, we will probably find the right place today.

My kids are absolutely beautiful! My camera is broke or I would take pictures of them and let you see. Maybe soon. Lily's face has taken more definition, she is so cute! Carmen is growing her bangs out and she is looking more like a tweeny every day...she is only 5! They are my loves!

God is so good to my family. He's got us. The greatest choice we have ever made was to serve Him completely. With God everythng always works out in the end. I didn't say to our desire. But, it always works out in the end. I have come to a point in my life where I don't seem to worry about things I used to. Everything always works out in the end.

I want to rule my own life and live my own way. I have done this before. It doesn't work. Living for God is not exactly natrual but it pays huge dividends!

Mindy surprised me with a date last night! It was actually my gift for Valentines day. We went to dinner..... then, we went and saw this guy in concert:


T.I. Has been one of my favorite rappers for a long time. I never dreamed I would see him in concert.
We were getting closer to barnhill (where the show was), then we turned on the street to go towards barnhill. I was like "No we're not!" I was like a little boy at Christmas. I've been to a lot of shows and concerts but never one like this. Anyway, my wife blew it out of the park for me. It was a lot of fun! "What you know about that?" Ha ha!

Bloody Mess

" 'If a person's fellowship offering to the Lord is from the herd, it may be a male or female, but it must have nothing wrong with it.2 The person must put his hand on the animal's head and kill it at the entrance to the Meeting Tent. Then Aaron's sons, the priests, must sprinkle the blood on all sides of the altar.3 From the fellowship offering he must make a sacrifice by fire to the Lord. He must offer the fat of the animal's inner organs (both the fat that is in them and that covers them)...' "
Leviticus 3:1-3 (emphasis mine)

Wow! What a bloody mess. Here a couple of points before the main point:

In Leviticus we see 4 different kinds of offerings, burnt, sin, trespass and fellowship. Then, there were 3 different fellowship or peace offerings. All of these included blood or food, and fire. They all happened in front of the tent of meeting.

We don't do these anymore because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. No more burning animals!

As I read through this scripture I was kind of shocked. See, these people (the Israelites) would bring there best lambs, goats, bulls etc. to be slaughtered and burned for The Lord. They did this out of confession of sin and worship! In this time, Jesus had not come so they still needed the tent of meeting and priest. Today, we have Jesus! Thankfully!

Here is what stood out to me pretty big time!

Each time the people wanted God to hear something or forgive them or whatever, they had to offer a sacrifice. They had to slaughter something.

Our tent of meeting is our prayer time. It is wherever we are when we go before The Lord. Here is my question: What are you slaughtering?

Here are some things that make a bloody mess in front of my tent: Greed, lust, pride, selfishness... ok, I could go on, but I will spare you!

Grab sin by the head and kill it!


I have been thinking about getting a tattoo for several months. Really, maybe more like a year. This is funny and to some probably somewhat shocking. Most of my life I have been against tattoos, thinking they were "sinful." Riiiiight! Anyway, I have never been able to make up my mind.

I think I have finally got my mind made up.

Are you familiar with coats of arms? Family crests? I have seen several versions for the "Becker" name. I didn't want that though. I want it to have special meaning, I want it to be custom.

I have drawn one up. I LOVE IT! It has several different symbols - 2 different Scripture titles - 4 core values in dutch, and a great design!

As soon as I get it designed (professionally) I will post it. After that, I will see if I can get it tattoo'd. If I can. Look out! Philip Becker will have a tat!

If you know a great designer that can draw to the tattoo quality, please hook me up! I am stoked!

Letter to My Daughters

I want you to never go hungry.
I want you to always have clothes that fit.
I want you to never have to experience sickness.
I want you to never get hurt by a guy.
I want you to always have shoes that you like.
I want you to have true friends.
I want you to do well in your education.
I want you to be liked by many people.
I want you to always have a good attitude.
I want you to love and respect your mom.
I want you to have a relationship with Jesus.
I want you to excel in everything you do.
I want you to have the latest and greatest of everything.
I want you to be optimistic.
I want you to never be hurt physically.
I want you to never walk away from God.
I want you to always seek after God.
I want you to be the best at your job.
I want you to never be hurt by me.
I want you to always feel loved by me.
I want you to have everything you could ever want.
I want you to know that I am here for you.
I want you to have a friend in me.
I want you to have the greatest dad in me.
I want you to be proud of your family.
I want you to have love in your heart for everyone.
I want you to know that you are my daughters.
I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart.
I want you to know that you both are equal to me.
I want you to never think I don't care for you.
I want you to always see me as a godly man.
I want you to marry someone who will protect and love you.
I want you to know that to me you are both angels.
I want you to believe and put your faith in Christ.
I want you to know that I discipline you because I love you.
I want you to have the best this world could ever offer.
I want you to know that you can.
I want you to know that I love your mom with everything in me.
I want you to be hard workers.
I want you to be honest and dependable.
I want you to never cheat.
I want you to never lie.
I want you to always respect others.
I want you to know that I love you.
I want you to understand that to me, you are gifts from God.
I want you to always love yourself.
I want you to never fight.
I want you to stand tall with great integrity and character.
I want you to know that God created you.
I want you to know that the Bible is The Word of God and it is True.
I want you to understand that I am not perfect.
I want you to know that I have committed my life to serving God.
I want you to know that part of serving God is loving you.
I want you to know that to me, you both are perfect.
I want you to know that you are absolutely beautiful.
I want you to know that I love you.
I want you to know that I am always here for you.
I want you to believe me when I say I won't judge you.
I want you to always come to me when there is a problem.
I want you to know that I want to give you everything humanly possible.
I want you to know that I love you.


Popcorn Rebel

Have you ever popped popcorn in a pan? Ya know, versus bagged in the microwave?

You put the oil in the pan, heat it up then put the popcorn in. What happens next? The small seeds pop out into these wonderful white crispy yet soft kernels of goodness! I love popcorn!

Popcorn is absolutely amazing! Who would have ever thought that the little seed looking thing would pop into this wonderful snack?

I think that popcorn's are rebellious! I don't think they like status quo. Why do I say that? Look at the seeds. They are mostly all the same and boring. However, after a few moments in the hot oil they break out of that thing like Clinton broke out of his charges!

The little seeds turn into wonderful, creative kernels.

I am like popcorn. Not just because I eat so much of it. I once was a seed, the same as everyone, continually being shaped to be the same as everyone. God wanted more from me though. He wanted me to pop. He (figuratively) placed me in hot oil, I popped.

For us, the oil might be different parts of our life, maybe parts that we don't like. But God uses these experiences to craft us into who we are.... creative, different, full and full of opportunity!

Sometimes when you are pouring the seeds into the bag a few fall to the counter or stove.

Don't try to avoid what God is doing in your life. Jump in that oil and allow God to make you into a kernel!

Bar Virgin

Recently I had a conversation with a guy (who shall remain nameless) who had gone to a bar for his very first time. Mid twenties, first time. Incredible!

He went there to support a band that was releasing a new CD. No bad behavior...this time. Just kidding!

Anyway, we were talking about his experience and he said "I'm not a bar virgin anymore!" I thought that was hilarious!

This really got me to thinking. Two questions:

1. As "Christians" what are we virgins to?

2. What does it matter?

To reach this generation and the generations to come for Christ we need to get out of our religious shelter!

I'm not saying we should start going to bars. I'm especially not saying we start abusing alcohol. I am simply saying that we should put the hymnal down, take the tie off, shed the religious pride and start trying to reach our generation by being more like Jesus!

Would Jesus go to a bar or club today? I don't know. Would He do everything He could to connect with His culture? ABSOLUTELY! We know this because He did!

Generally, what kind of people are at church? Christians or, the religious.
Generally, what kind of people are in the world? Non-Christians.

What is the great commission? "So go and make followers of all people in the world..." (emphasis mine). "All people in the world." Not just the ones that grace the doors of the church.

Get into the world. Stop being so stinking religious and meet someone without judging them! Jesus would! Are you a "Christ follower"?

"God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life." John 3:16 (emphasis mine).

(This has not been an encouragement to go to bars or clubs. This is simply an encouragement for all of us to get off of our butts and share Jesus with the world... that isn't in the Church.)

Love Letter to Cheeseburger

We had our first Sunday in our "Financial Beginning" yesterday. God is doing great things!

I concluded my series on sex yesterday; "Sexual Charge." Talking about sex is always good.

I just talked to an attorney who said he could help me with some forms for Cross Culture. I kind of assumed he would give a free initial consultation...nope. $150 bucks for one hour of chatting. I don't think so. I mean, I know people have to make money, but come on! I don't even know if I want his firm to do this work. I just wanted to see what they could offer. Too bad.

I am starting a 6 week series on character this week. I think this will be a lot of fun!

Valentines day was a lot of fun! I baked a cake for Mindy amongst other things. We had a great time! It seemed that the saying this year was "love is all of the time, not just one day." This is SO true! But, I think most of the people saying this were the men who didn't do anything for their sweeties. If you can't get it together one day out of the year you probably aren't getting it together any of the other 364 days a year. Shape up man! She deserves your best....this is a whole-nother blog.

On the topic of other blogs: I was chatting with Bryan C. on V day and he mentioned something about not being a "Bar Virgin" anymore. I am going to blog about that this week. That will be fun!

In my talk yesterday I mentioned people going on diets and missing their food so much that they want to write love letters to cheeseburgers....I don't actually know anyone who has ever wanted to do that. I just though it enforced the point of not wanting to give up the food we like.

I went over my texting again last month. I need to either upgrade my plan or stop texting so much.

I feel like God is bringing me into a whole new realm of Christianity. I am very excited to see what He is going to do in and through me this year!

If you want to grill and you have a charcoal grill. Make sure you have lighter fluid...before you start the whole process.

There we go. Got some randomness out to start the week out! How about that!?

Be Mine?

Happy Valentines Day! My wife, Mindy is my best friend. In honor of my love for her I am going to share a little bit of what attracted me to her.

The very first time I laid eyes on Mindy, she had a glow around her, similar to a halo only larger; circling her whole body. Angelic. I remember looking at her and being intimidated; not normal. "Wow!" Is all I could think.

We talked business. She is very business minded and entrepreneurial- hot! To this point I had never met a gorgeous woman with business skills and motivation. I was blown away!

If you know Mindy, you have probably noticed this. She has 1000+ smiles. Each of them beautiful. Each of them unique. Each of them saying something different. After 2.5 years of marriage I am still discovering new smiles.

Everyone likes Mindy. She is the friendliest person I have ever met. She is not one of those people who likes you to your face, then talks about you behind your back. She is genuine. People want to be around Mindy because she is a great conversationalist. She is great with people and a great friend!

She is solid. When she makes her mind up, it's done. When she says she is going to do something she does it. That is really nice!

In the first week or two with Mindy, I had lunch with a friend at Jim's Razorback Pizza. I love Jim's Razorback Pizza. I told him that my future wife would share this; Jim's Razorback would be her favorite too. Soon after, I went to Mindy's house for dinner, she had ordered pizza. That's right. Jim's Razorback Pizza! Sign from God?!

Mindy is similar to June Cleaver in her service. She does so much for me and our family. She does it with out complaining. I remember many of our first breakfast's: Scrambled eggs, toast and fruit. She does without expecting a return.

I could go on all day and make this blog into a book, I will spare you.

Mindy, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world in my eyes! I love you with all of my heart. I have committed the rest of my life to you, you are my gorgeous bride! I love you!

Mindy, will you be my valentine?

In Bentonville?

Saw this guy at Starbucks in Bentonville yesterday.

Judge Reinhold. He was in the Sata Clause, Beverly Hills Cop and many other movies and TV shows.
I was chatting with Casey Henegan when all of the sudden Casey got closer to the table and quietly said "He's and actor." I hadn't seen Judge yet so I was totally lost... for a moment.
That was a cool experience. Judge Reinhold in Bentonville. Weird, but cool.

On My Mind

I love my wife. She is my best friend and "the apple of my eye." Cheesy, I know, but I mean it! I can't, nor do I want to imagine life without her. I guess I've got the fever. I love her!

My daughters warm me inside. I love them. They are the most precious, beautiful little girls I have ever seen.

Yesterday I was stopped at a light in Bentonville when I looked over my shoulder and thought I saw a friend in the car next to me. I wasn't sure so I took a better look, this time the guy looked at me, so I bounced back. Still not sure, I looked again. This time we made eye contact for a moment. It wasn't him. It was an extremely awkward moment!

I received a gift yesterday via UPS. Brownies - Just what I need. One of these brownies has 430 calories. Amazing! That is only 100 calories less than a #2 Cheeseburger from Sonic. Wow!

Had an awesome time with God this morning! It's amazing how hard it is sometimes to get real with Him. He is my Father and I love Him. But it is difficult sometimes to live that. I think my pride and self assurance may be a large part of the problem. Pretty much every day, sometimes multiple times a day I have to say: "You are God, I am not." Something about saying it, that really makes me know and mean it. I think sweet times with God can be had every day. We just have to get ourselves out of the way.

I mis-spelled a word in yesterday's blog. Can you find it? I knew it before I posted, but I was just like..."Whatever, people will know what I mean." Isn't that bad?! Laziness, sheesh!

I have a meeting with a Pastor I admire and respect today. Excited about that! Looking forward to gaining some wisdom.

I am completely jakd for Cross Culture, Church for the City! I believe God is doing some HUGE things! As the song says: "Greater things are yet to come!"

Finalizing my valentine plans. Are you ready?

I am so encouraged to remember that God loves us..............regardless of anything else!!! God loves us. That makes me happy! I am not much to be loved. Declare this with me: "God loves me!" Seriously, once you believe this, things will be a lot different!

Complainer or Worshipper?

Recently, we had a pretty significant ice storm. ICE EVERYWHERE! Many lost electricity. The roads were terrible. Schools were out. It was a rough time.

I am a confident driver. When the ice hit, I did not stop driving. We had to get places (especially when our power went out). Some might say that I have guts, when really it may just be stupidity. Who knows.
I am so confident in my driving abilities that I don't creep at 2 mph because of a little ice. I am bold enough to see a difficult situation in a parking lot and get through it. I can work the pedals like nobodies business.

I can also sport an attitude like nobodies business. I didn't even realize that I was having an attitude until my lovely wife pointed it out. I was calling other drivers names, getting frustrated with their stupidity and being negative about other people. Now, was I right? Sure, sometimes. But my rightness didn't call for my attitude or name calling. When my wife pointed this out, I was embarrassed. I am not a griper. I am not a complainer. But, in the situation of driving on ice I became one.

According to Mark Batterson, in his book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" there are two kinds of people:

1. Complainers
2. Worshippers

Complainers will always find something to complain about. Worshippers will always find something to praise God about.

See, when we were sliding around in parking lots, and slushing around on the highways I had a choice. I could be a complainer or a worshipper. Unfortunately, I sub-consciously chose complaining. I could have displayed an attitude of worship by being kind, considerate and thoughtful. I could have even openly expressed praise to God for the abilities He had given me to drive. Instead, I chose the other route.

What kind of person are you?

If you are a complainer. It's not too late. When Mindy notified me, I was embarrassed and ashamed. I apologized to her and stopped. I had relapses, but I was conscience, I changed.


Last night after service I took a few minutes to present a budget to Cross Culture's core! It all went really well. I am very excited for what I believe God is doing in this church. I am even more excited to see what God is doing through this church.

I believe Cross Culture - Church for the City is blessed! Some great people come and some fantastic people have the "horse by the reigns".

Last night we discussed some vision we have for the church. WOW, I live on vision! I was very happy to hear others vision and ideas. This inspires me.

I have one huge dream right now. It is for our acquisition of a certain building in Bentonville. There are many ways this building makes sense for this church. However, there are a couple of ways it doesn't make sense at all for us. For example: $1.6 million $$$ and right now we are a small church, this building is HUGE.

At this point I feel like God has led us to this property. I am praying that God will give it to us. We don't need the building to do church and see lives changed. However, this building will be a great tool for our church full of changed lives!

I believe God wants to do something in Bentonville and NWA that would take the religious world by surprise. The lost world would not stay that way for long. Jesus will be famous!

Numbers Driven

"Numbers driven." This simple statement describes so many churches in our culture today.

What is wrong with this? Uh, hello?!! What about the people?!!

Many churches get so wrapped up in trying to have spectacular huge events that the people who need Jesus get forgotten. Sure, they are not forgotten completely. Deep down inside they are thought about. However, they are not the genuine reason for everything being done. Allow me to correct myself. It takes people to have numbers. So, they are the reason for everything. Unfortunately, that is all they are. This motive and approach leaves life change out of the picture.

What kind of church would have numbers as a motive? Let's re-phrase this: Which church doesn't?

I know, there are churches who genuinely care about people - their current situations and their eternal situations. But, the problem is that many churches - even though they claim different - don't.

It is my prayer that people will be remembered. And that Jesus won't be neglected.

Genuine life change has to be our prayer and desire for the church. We have to forget how good or not good we are doing on attendance, "POF's", and baptisms. We have to focus on Jesus and do the work He has told us to do.

We have to be a Jesus driven church.

I want to Throw Up

Something about church makes me want to throw up!

I am not talking about the body of Christ. I am talking about the organization of church. Just thinking about the politics alone brings that bad taste across my taste buds. Here are a few questions I have about church.

Who said that church had to look a certain way?
Who said that the people in the church had to look a certain way?
Who wrote the rules? (the ones that aren't in the Bible)
Who decided that it was the churches job to legislate morality? (Isn't it the churches job to introduce people to Jesus?)
Why is it we have to wear a shell at church? (Shouldn't church be the place we can be real?)
How did church staff and regular attenders get so perfect? (self righteously perfect)
Who in the world said you had to dress a certain way in order to attend church?
How did the church get power to judge and condemn?

I have plenty more questions but I will leave it here for now. Don't get me wrong, I love the church. I understand the Biblical responsibilities of the church. However, when we look around we see churches doing much more... abusing their rights versus teaching Scripture.

I lead a church and love the church. I say it is high time we give the church back to it's rightful owner...Jesus Christ. Jesus is the head of the church, not man.

If the religion of the church makes me want to throw up, I can only imagine what it does to Christ.

Get Kicked Out

Have you wanted to be closer to God?
What did you do to become closer?
Have you had those times when you feel as if He isn't even present?
Out of nowhere you think about Him. Is He gone?
Maybe you have gone through all of the motions, but you still don't feel Him.
What do motions do? Like a mime...nothing.
Do you really want a relationship with Him?
Or, is He just your genie?
Maybe you've used all of the tactics to get yourself right.
And nothing happened.
Maybe you've spent time reading and praying.
And nothing happened.


"So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to Him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to Him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship. Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and what is perfect."
Romans 12:1-2
(emphasis mine)

The heading for this scripture is: "Give Your Lives to God."

We are the problem when it comes to our relationship with Christ. We need to kick us out and put Him in. The feelings may not be there at first. However, if we live this verse all the human feeling stuff will more than likely come.

Go for it today! Get kicked out!


My youngest daughter (Lily Grace) has been talking a little bit here and there for a few months. She can say some words pretty good, like "Mama" and "Night, night." Others, she can't say so well, but we know what she is going for.

Recently she has began talking a LOT more. Only this talk doesn't make much sense. She will walk into the room just jabbering. Only, this jabber is coming with force and intentionality. I wonder what she is trying to communicate. It is definitely a fun time watching her develop.

I wonder what our Heavenly Father must think while watching us develop? I know when Lily says a new word or new signal I am proud and touched. I feel nice on the inside. I think God probably feels the same, probably more so.

I do have to wonder about myself though. I do so much that more than likely makes God sad- disappointed. I don't want to do that. I just do. One of my prayers that I am emphasizing more this week is to please my Heavenly Father.

What do you think you are doing? Pleasing Him or the opposite?

Soakin' up the rays

The electricity is back! It came back yesterday (Sunday) morning. I am so thankful. Carmen is also back. She went to Florida for a week with her cousin, she missed all the fun. Poor girl, she had to enjoy the perfect Florida weather, Seaworld and Disney world. Poor thing. Right.

While Carmen was off enjoying herself - soaking up the rays we were battling icy roads, no current, jakd up routines, and everything that comes with it.

Made me think. What are we missing out on from God? Are we living a life of obedience and enjoying His best. Or, are we living in the icy conditions of God's wrath?

I am not saying that the ice storm was a result of God's wrath. This is just an example.

I don't know about you. I'd like to be soakin' up the rays of God's greatness more than sliding across the dark icy hills of God's wrath.

8 Random Thoughts

1. Myspace: Thing of the past?
The way it looks in my world: Myspace is out, Facebook is in. What about blogging? Is this out or in? Twitter seems to be the cool new thing for sure. I don't think I care if blogging does go out. I get so much wisdom, counsel and advice from Pastors I don't even know personally because they blog. I also love to blog. I enjoy taking down my thoughts. I enjoy sharing something, something that will hopefully bless, challenge or enrich someone. Myspace is gone for me. I guess I need to figure Twitter out.

2. Are you working for His presence or from His presence?
I was challenged with this from a book I have been reading. Think about it. I am still throwing it around in my mind. I will probably blog about it soon.

3. I miss my wife!
I worked out of the house this morning. Now, I am working from the house and she is working outside. I miss her. When I walked her down my in-laws drive way and waved her good bye, I felt like a jr. high boy leaving his crush after summer camp. I love my wife! Can't wait to see you baby!

4. I think I am addicted to diet coke.
It taste so good. I know, all you non diet drinkers out there are thinking about the after taste or whatever. That isn't the point. I really like this drink. I have tried to quit drinking diet coke several times. I have gone cold turkey. I have tried a step down program. I just can't do it. Yes, I said "can't". Simply said: I won't. I like diet coke! It makes me feel good. It is relaxing, cool and refreshing. Diet coke is really good! Donations are accepted. =)

5. More time with God will change us.
There are different things in my life- strongholds if you will- that slow me down. I don't want to let go of certain behaviors, attitudes or even desires. Matter of fact, I think my desires are my problem. I want certain things that don't make sense for me. My desires are the problem. More time with God will change our desires to His. Why would we do that if we like our desires? Obedience and the life abundance God has for us.

6. My daughters are absolutely beautiful!
If you haven't seen my girls lately, you need to. Sure, I am biased but who cares. I will post a picture of them soon. They are so beautiful!

7. Superbowl.
The Cardinals are taking on the Steelers this Sunday. Wow! I don't think I really care who wins. But, for the sake of the Cardinals- since they've never been to a Superbowl before, I will cheer for them, even though I do favor the Steelers.
I've heard that Budweiser is going to have 1 second commercials this year...that will be interesting. Superbowl commercials make the game worth it for people who are not into football. For the people who are into football-like me- the commercials just make it that much better.

8. The icy trees.
The ice weighed the tops of the trees down so much that some of the limbs broke, but most just bent over. When the limbs were bent down to the ground, it was like they were bowing in submission to God. Interestingly enough, some of the trees couldn't handle it and they broke. What are you doing?

Not at Home-No Power

We've been out of power for...well, I don't have a concept of time anymore; we've been out a long time. Since our power went out we have grilled steaks and potato's on Bryan's wood burning fireplace (in his house)-Macguyver style.
We drove to Fayetteville and picked Mindy's sister up...scary...the drive!
We drove all the way to Avoca- which is in the far north east corner of Rogers. This is where Mindy's parents live. They have opened their home to us...they have power! Hallelujah!
We rocked out on rock band.
We have eaten a LOT of food...Thanks Arlene! (Mom in law).
We have played a lot of games.

Even though I love winter weather, I am ready to be home. Christina (Mindy's sister) said it best. "I feel like we are refugees." So true.

Hanging here at my in laws home is nice, but it is not my home. I will go to my home one day...hopefully soon! Do you see the familiarity? If you follow Christ, you are not at home.

I am excited to return home (my house), the same way I am excited for that, I... we should be excited about our permenant home (eternity). We should live as if we are only refugees, or visitors. If we lived like visitors, like Heaven is our home, we may be more excited about it. If we were more excited about home-Heaven, we may do more to help others have the same home.

Point: Get excited about home. Share Christ with others so they can have the same home...something to be excited about!

As for now, if you have a massive generator and want to power my house, give me a call! :)

A Spoon full of Sugar

I need help! I have had this stuck in my head: "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down,. the medicine go down..." You get the idea. This has been stuck in my head all week!

Where did it come from? How do I get rid of it? WHY ME?!?!

This crazy song from the movie "Mary Poppins" is absolutely annoying me! If you could only be in my mind is terrible!

Interestingly enough. Through this song in my head I have had a revelation. Sometimes we don't want to swallow the medicine, maybe it taste bad or we just have a negative feeling about it because it is medicine. That is why Mary said a spoon full of sugar would help. Most people love sugar, why not!

Isn't that how we are with Scripture and God's commands some times? We know we need it. We know that just like the medicine, God's Word is good for us. However, we get hung up on how much time it takes and other excuses for the Word.

Today, add a spoon full of sugar to your Spiritual life. See, when taking the medicine the sugar really doesn't do anything, it just gives you a sweet beginning. Prepare yourself for God's Word. Get excited about it. Look forward to meeting with Him. Anticipate Him talking to you. Imagine what it would be like to have a one on one with God..."just a spoon full of sugar."

God and Soap

Soap is pretty nice. I mean, you can go work in the yard, get dirty, then wash off. If you use soap you get a new level of clean than if you just use water. Soap is nice. Think about after your shower or bath. Ah, fresh and clean; it feels good to be clean!

Pretty much, the only time we ever need soap is when we are dirty. Soap is nearly always available. That is pretty nice. We don't use soap if we aren't dirty.(Unless you are OCD) Basically, we are users...soap users.

What about spiritually? Are you using God? Do you go to Him only after you have gotten dirty spiritually? Maybe it has been a while and you have a thick build up of sin and grime. He is there, He will wash you clean.

God is always there for us. However, He desires more from us. He desires a deep intimate relationship with us!

Next time you use soap, think about God. Maybe next time you use soap you could talk to Him. God loves you. Your relationship with God shouldn't be the same as it is with soap. Get to know Him!

Weeds in the Garden

Have you ever planted a garden? Maybe you grew some tomatos, herbs, corn and or green beans? There are all kinds of veggies and fruits that you can grow right in your own back yard.

I grew up with a HUGE garden in the back yard. This thing was a bit bigger than a full size basketball court; it was big! We had corn, green beans, tomatos, potatos, radishes; all kinds of stuff.

From my experience in gardening (helping my dad) I can say that it is a LOT of work! You have to cultivate the land. Put fertilizer down. Plant, water, fertilize, and water some more! Then there are things you don't have control over, such as: Sun light and weeds. Wow! I almost felt like I was cussing when I said "weeds." I hate weeds! They come in and take over everything! They have no respect for what you are trying to do or grow. They are arrogant and selfish. They will grow anywhere no matter the health of the soil. Then, they kill off the good stuff. I hate weeds!

Sin is like weeds in the garden. It takes over everything. It has no respect for people and Spiritual growth, it is arrogant and selfish. Sin will grow in anyone, no matter the health of the person. Sin kills off spiritual advancement. Sin is consuming!

There is good news! To be a successful gardener, you have to constantly pull weeds and clean the ground. When you do this daily and sometimes multiple times a day, you can grow good healthy food.

Genesis 4:7 says "...sin is ready to attack you. Sin wants you, but you must rule over it."

Isn't this great to know?! Just like the aggressive, disgusting weeds, sin wants us. Sin wants to kill out the good stuff and take us over. However, just like the garden, we "MUST RULE OVER IT"!

Today, we have choices. Do we let the weeds of sin eat us up spiritually, or, do we take control and with God's help we de-weed and grow healthy?

What do you choose?

Must Charge

Do you have a mobile phone? Yes. Stupid question! Everybody has a mobile phone these days! I've seen 5 year old kids with them. To me, that is nuts. Don't be offended if your kid has one... Maybe they need one. Yeah.

Anyway, unless you have a mobile phone that they made in Hollywood. The battery will not last forever. Not to mention it probably won't even last more than a day or two with out a charge.

I guess that is a good thing about mobile phones - we can charge them!

Our spiritual lives are similar to a mobile phone. Just like the phone, even more so, we can do amazing things! However, if we don't have a good charge and plenty of juice we will run out, or die.

I plug my phone in every night and allow it to suck power in all night long. When I wake in the morning it is fully charged and ready for whatever I have it do.

Jesus understood this principle before the mobile phone was ever created. Scripture tells us many times that He would go out "early in the morning", most of the time before the sun rose, to charge... or, talk to God.

What happens when our phone doesn't get a good charge? It does not perform at it's best, or it dies prematurely.

What happens when we don't have a good charge? We don't perform at our best, i.e. we have a bad attitude, we complain and grumble more, we aren't as happy if we are happy at all. We don't exemplify Christ. We die prematurely.

Every time you pull your mobile phone off of it's charger remember this. Go get a charge for yourself. It may only take a few minutes. Spend some time with Jesus. Get a charge, you don't want to run out. You especially don't want to die prematurely!

Running, Flapping & Making Noise

I am so blessed to have 2 beautiful daughters! God seems to use them to reveal things to me.

This morning Carmen (5 year old) was running around the house flapping her arms around making funny noises with her mouth, I don't know how to express the action; sorry. Anyway, she was running around, flapping her arms and her tongue, making plenty of noise.

Lily Grace (16 months) stood and stared for about 15 seconds. By that time she was ready to go. She immediately tried to imitate the same noise with her mouth and she too began running around, flapping her arms and making the noise.

It took Lily 15 seconds to copy her sister. How long does it take us to imitate or copy Christ? As Christians we have been instructed to live like Jesus. How long does it take us to live like Him? We've got Scripture to see how He lived. We have the Holy Spirit leading us to live like Him. How long does it take?

A Survey

Most of you know that my wife and I are starting a new church in Bentonville. This has been a very fun ride so far! We started on New Years Eve with an 80's bash. Why move to the future when you can bring back the past? Right?! We have been meeting on Sunday nights at Kennedy Coffee since then (3 weeks) in a Bible study format. It is going great!

I am doing a community survey that Rick Warren put together years ago when he started Saddleback Church. It is very simple, only 5 questions. I am going door to door in Bentonville with it and having great results! One of the people who took the survey yesterday afternoon even came to church last night!

Even if you don't live in Bentonville I would love it if you would copy and paste the survey below and e-mail it to me.

1. What do you feel is the greatest need in this area?
2. Do you attend church anywhere?
3. Why do you think most people don't attend church?
4. If you were looking for a church what kind of things would you look for?
5. As a Pastor how can I help you? What kind of advice can you give to a minister who wants to be helpful?

Thanks for taking time to send this to me; this will be very helpful!

Fat and Miserable or Fit and Happy?

What are you eating?

Are you on a new year diet? Maybe you were, but you've quit it already. What is the point of a diet? Most would agree that it is to get healthy, lose weight, gain strength or to just look and feel better.

Why do so we want to be healthy? I can't answer for you, but for me I want to live longer. I want to be happier. I want to feel good and full of energy. Most of us probably don't want to be overweight, tired and sick.

What would happen if we ate junk food all of the time? What would happen if we never, or rarely engaged in physical activity? Well, have you seen the movie "Wall E"? I had mixed emotions about this movie. I had heard good and bad about it. Not really knowing what to expect we tried it out. Have you seen it? If you have; picture the people in the space ship. Do you remember what there bones were like because of their inactivity and weight? Do you remember how large they were? Very unhealthy.

Most of us would probably agree that we would not engage in this style of lifestyle, and if we were getting close, we would change.

What about spiritually? I would guess that a lot of us look like those people in Wall E; unhealthy, over weight...clueless! Many of us are feeding ourselves unhealthy TV and books. We are not being nourished, instead we are having spiritual "junk food".

What do you want? Sure, you want to be close to Christ. You want to be fulfilled spiritually. Why aren't you? You may be clueless! What time is it? It is time to wake up!

See here's the deal. If you pollute your body with unhealthy food and inactivity you are going to live a fat miserable life.

If you pollute you spiritual body with unhealthy TV, media and books and you don't seek nourishment from the Lord. You are gong to live a fat miserable life!

What do you choose today? Fat and miserable or fit and healthy? "Ask and you shall receive!

Friends with Benefits

Isn't it interesting how you probably just thought about sex!?

We live in a society where many different people do many different things. Most of us are very different and unique from each other. Therefore, we have different strengths, talents and abilities. Some people are good at repairing cars. Some may be good at home repairs. While others may be great encourager's. Maybe some are the perfect person to hang out with because they get discounts everywhere.

We are all unique! God made us unique intentionally. No accidents for God!

What friend are you being a friend to because of the benefit they offer you?

If they could no longer offer that benefit, no matter what it is. Would you still pursue their friendship? Throw the auto yes aside and think about this one.

People, including you, don't want to be used. We all want to be loved. Make a list of your friends, list the benefits they offer you, then be intentional and thank them for that benefit and their friendship.

What benefit are you offering your friends?

Read back over the past few chapters of your life. What kind of benefit are you offering your friends? Are you an encourager? Do you have a certain skill you share? Once you determine your benefit. Give it generously and freely! (If it is your livelihood, use discernment).

If you don't want to give your benefit. You should cut yourself off from using your friends.