Love Letter to Cheeseburger
We had our first Sunday in our "Financial Beginning" yesterday. God is doing great things!
I concluded my series on sex yesterday; "Sexual Charge." Talking about sex is always good.
I just talked to an attorney who said he could help me with some forms for Cross Culture. I kind of assumed he would give a free initial consultation...nope. $150 bucks for one hour of chatting. I don't think so. I mean, I know people have to make money, but come on! I don't even know if I want his firm to do this work. I just wanted to see what they could offer. Too bad.
I am starting a 6 week series on character this week. I think this will be a lot of fun!
Valentines day was a lot of fun! I baked a cake for Mindy amongst other things. We had a great time! It seemed that the saying this year was "love is all of the time, not just one day." This is SO true! But, I think most of the people saying this were the men who didn't do anything for their sweeties. If you can't get it together one day out of the year you probably aren't getting it together any of the other 364 days a year. Shape up man! She deserves your best....this is a whole-nother blog.
On the topic of other blogs: I was chatting with Bryan C. on V day and he mentioned something about not being a "Bar Virgin" anymore. I am going to blog about that this week. That will be fun!
In my talk yesterday I mentioned people going on diets and missing their food so much that they want to write love letters to cheeseburgers....I don't actually know anyone who has ever wanted to do that. I just though it enforced the point of not wanting to give up the food we like.
I went over my texting again last month. I need to either upgrade my plan or stop texting so much.
I feel like God is bringing me into a whole new realm of Christianity. I am very excited to see what He is going to do in and through me this year!
If you want to grill and you have a charcoal grill. Make sure you have lighter fluid...before you start the whole process.
There we go. Got some randomness out to start the week out! How about that!?