Popcorn Rebel
Have you ever popped popcorn in a pan? Ya know, versus bagged in the microwave?
You put the oil in the pan, heat it up then put the popcorn in. What happens next? The small seeds pop out into these wonderful white crispy yet soft kernels of goodness! I love popcorn!
Popcorn is absolutely amazing! Who would have ever thought that the little seed looking thing would pop into this wonderful snack?
I think that popcorn's are rebellious! I don't think they like status quo. Why do I say that? Look at the seeds. They are mostly all the same and boring. However, after a few moments in the hot oil they break out of that thing like Clinton broke out of his charges!
The little seeds turn into wonderful, creative kernels.
I am like popcorn. Not just because I eat so much of it. I once was a seed, the same as everyone, continually being shaped to be the same as everyone. God wanted more from me though. He wanted me to pop. He (figuratively) placed me in hot oil, I popped.
For us, the oil might be different parts of our life, maybe parts that we don't like. But God uses these experiences to craft us into who we are.... creative, different, full and full of opportunity!
Sometimes when you are pouring the seeds into the bag a few fall to the counter or stove.
Don't try to avoid what God is doing in your life. Jump in that oil and allow God to make you into a kernel!