Selfish to Selfless

"I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell people the Good News about God's grace." Acts 20:24

"I don't care about my own life." Wow! That is a powerful sentence. I wonder if I mean this when I say it. I think that sometimes I do but most of the time I don't. My mission in life is to bring people to Christ and help "believers" become devoted Christ followers. It is extremely hard to forget about self and go all out.

"Do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the One I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I still wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

I love this! Don't many of us spin our wheels and wear ourselves out trying to make people happy. I give up on that (repeatedly). The Creator of the universe is the only one who deserves that.

I am a selfish person. I want whatever I can get. I want nice cars, a big house full of great stuff, new, trendy clothes and a lot of money! Can you relate to this? The attitude God is inspiring me to have is one that constantly pleases Him, it is selfless and sharing Him with others. I don't see a 52" LCD in there. God created me to please Him!

Since God knows everything. He knew we would be a selfish people. So, He gave us a gift, no, not a 52" LCD TV, something much bigger than that. He gave us a Cross with His only Son hanging on it. The TV would give us enjoyment for a few hours a week until the newer bigger one came out. When God gave us His Son, He gave us the opportunity to have an abundant and eternal life. Knowing Jesus inspires me to be selfless.

P.S. The "abundant" life He gives us is pretty great as well!