Bloody Mess
" 'If a person's fellowship offering to the Lord is from the herd, it may be a male or female, but it must have nothing wrong with it.2 The person must put his hand on the animal's head and kill it at the entrance to the Meeting Tent. Then Aaron's sons, the priests, must sprinkle the blood on all sides of the altar.3 From the fellowship offering he must make a sacrifice by fire to the Lord. He must offer the fat of the animal's inner organs (both the fat that is in them and that covers them)...' "
Leviticus 3:1-3 (emphasis mine)
Wow! What a bloody mess. Here a couple of points before the main point:
In Leviticus we see 4 different kinds of offerings, burnt, sin, trespass and fellowship. Then, there were 3 different fellowship or peace offerings. All of these included blood or food, and fire. They all happened in front of the tent of meeting.
We don't do these anymore because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. No more burning animals!
As I read through this scripture I was kind of shocked. See, these people (the Israelites) would bring there best lambs, goats, bulls etc. to be slaughtered and burned for The Lord. They did this out of confession of sin and worship! In this time, Jesus had not come so they still needed the tent of meeting and priest. Today, we have Jesus! Thankfully!
Here is what stood out to me pretty big time!
Each time the people wanted God to hear something or forgive them or whatever, they had to offer a sacrifice. They had to slaughter something.
Our tent of meeting is our prayer time. It is wherever we are when we go before The Lord. Here is my question: What are you slaughtering?
Here are some things that make a bloody mess in front of my tent: Greed, lust, pride, selfishness... ok, I could go on, but I will spare you!
Grab sin by the head and kill it!