Complainer or Worshipper?
Recently, we had a pretty significant ice storm. ICE EVERYWHERE! Many lost electricity. The roads were terrible. Schools were out. It was a rough time.
I am a confident driver. When the ice hit, I did not stop driving. We had to get places (especially when our power went out). Some might say that I have guts, when really it may just be stupidity. Who knows.
I am so confident in my driving abilities that I don't creep at 2 mph because of a little ice. I am bold enough to see a difficult situation in a parking lot and get through it. I can work the pedals like nobodies business.
I can also sport an attitude like nobodies business. I didn't even realize that I was having an attitude until my lovely wife pointed it out. I was calling other drivers names, getting frustrated with their stupidity and being negative about other people. Now, was I right? Sure, sometimes. But my rightness didn't call for my attitude or name calling. When my wife pointed this out, I was embarrassed. I am not a griper. I am not a complainer. But, in the situation of driving on ice I became one.
According to Mark Batterson, in his book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" there are two kinds of people:
1. Complainers
2. Worshippers
Complainers will always find something to complain about. Worshippers will always find something to praise God about.
See, when we were sliding around in parking lots, and slushing around on the highways I had a choice. I could be a complainer or a worshipper. Unfortunately, I sub-consciously chose complaining. I could have displayed an attitude of worship by being kind, considerate and thoughtful. I could have even openly expressed praise to God for the abilities He had given me to drive. Instead, I chose the other route.
What kind of person are you?
If you are a complainer. It's not too late. When Mindy notified me, I was embarrassed and ashamed. I apologized to her and stopped. I had relapses, but I was conscience, I changed.