Last night after service I took a few minutes to present a budget to Cross Culture's core! It all went really well. I am very excited for what I believe God is doing in this church. I am even more excited to see what God is doing through this church.
I believe Cross Culture - Church for the City is blessed! Some great people come and some fantastic people have the "horse by the reigns".
Last night we discussed some vision we have for the church. WOW, I live on vision! I was very happy to hear others vision and ideas. This inspires me.
I have one huge dream right now. It is for our acquisition of a certain building in Bentonville. There are many ways this building makes sense for this church. However, there are a couple of ways it doesn't make sense at all for us. For example: $1.6 million $$$ and right now we are a small church, this building is HUGE.
At this point I feel like God has led us to this property. I am praying that God will give it to us. We don't need the building to do church and see lives changed. However, this building will be a great tool for our church full of changed lives!
I believe God wants to do something in Bentonville and NWA that would take the religious world by surprise. The lost world would not stay that way for long. Jesus will be famous!