Live Loud, Rock and Roll!

As a Christian I have been called to represent Jesus. Is that it? Just represent Him? Nope. I have been called to something more than just representing Him. I will tell you that in a minute, first let me explain "representing Jesus".

Represent: "To present the likeness of" (
As a Christ follower it is our job to represent Christ. To show Him through us. This can be very hard at times. Sometimes it is hard to represent Christ when someone says something rude to us or cuts us off in traffic. Sometimes we simply choose not to represent Christ because it may be easier the other way.

On the other hand, representing Christ can be made so much easier. Don't! Yup, that's what I said. Don't represent Him. I will explain: In John we are told that if we keep His words He will make His home in us. We see in this passage that Jesus lives in us and it is because of Him that we live. So, my statement comes from this thought. If Jesus makes His home in us then we don't need to try to represent Him. We need to live, and the only way we can live is through Him. He is our life.

Now I sound like some seminary graduate...confusing. Allow me to simplify: When you wake up, give you day to Jesus, remember that He lives in you, allow Him to be in control. You will naturally represent Jesus as He is living through you. How about that?!

Now, what is that other thing I have been called to do for Jesus? Rock and roll for Him! Nope, I'm not in a rock band. I just like that term. I have been called to rock and roll for Jesus- Abide in Him, allow Him to manifest Himself in me and rock for Him!

We have many different things we can be passionate about. When we are passionate about something we rock it! We need to get passionate about Jesus and rock and roll for Him. Or, as my favorite saying goes...we need to "shake and bake" for Jesus! How about we put them together and make it that much more serious? We need to rock and roll and shake and bake for Jesus!

Are you doing this? Today, let Jesus live through you. Live loud! Rock and roll!


I have been doing a few projects around the house these past few days. One that has made a pretty big impact in my life is a shelf I was to re-paint.

Let me tell you about this shelf. It is a basic shelf, maybe around 48" square. We keep it in our living room decorated neatly with books, pictures and toys. Very nice. Mindy has had this shelf for a long time...I have no idea how long, just a long time. Mindy painted the shelf brown about a year and a half ago, it looked nice. Now, we are transitioning to more black than brown, so that's right, time to go black.

We decided it would be best to strip it as it has been painted several times and wasn't looking as good as it could. Bad idea! I have been working on this for a few days in my spare time. It is very monotonous and tedious, sometimes I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. Thankfully, I think that I might have it done today! Hopefully!

Thinking about this shelf I am reminded of us...people, especially Christians. Like the shelf, in the beginning we looked good, we were smooth and new. After a few re-do's to fit in better we began to look old and used, maybe even a little sloppy.

This shelf has taken many applications to get all of the old paint off. It has taken a lot of scraping and sanding. It has taken a lot of patience and a lot of work. Does this sound familiar? This is us! As people, especially Christians we can get to the point where we need to be stripped. We need to get all of the old life off of us and start all over. This process hurts, it is monotonous, pain staking, and hard.

As I near the end of the stripping process and look forward to the painting process. I am reminded that we need too will have an end to the stripping time. It doesn't last forever!

Maybe you are in a season of life where God is "stripping" you of all of your old life and ways. Be comforted, you will soon be to the point where He can begin creating you again!

Maybe God is not stripping right now but needs to. Ask Him to, then prepare for it, He will do it. The process will not be fun, but the final product will!

Maybe you have been stripped and re-painted already. You should hold fast in this time, keep yourself clean, don't allow unnecessary coats of paint. Stop and remove them as they come. Maintenance is a lot easier than demo. Trust me!

On the Edge or in His will?

Sitting on the edge of your seat. Palms sweating. Beads of sweat form on your forehead. Your heart beats increasingly faster. The time gets nearer. The excitement rises. The anticipation builds deep within your soul. Ah! You could almost scream with all of the pressure building within.

A new adventure. A new journey. A new challenge. Better than any high. I live for this!

Sitting in the same place or position for too long is boring. I have to move. Dressing a certain way, doing the hair a certain has to be changed. Style cannot remain the same. Some may call this ADD, I have no clue. I just know that I love starting, changing and creating! I call all of this living!

Why do I speak of all of this? I am there. Itching for the next thing. Itching to re-create, itching to change, itching to be doing what I feel like God is telling me to do.

I don't call this ADD, I call this living! For me, being content and successful is being right in the middle of God's will at that very moment.

Are you in the center of God's will? Or are you sitting on the edge of the seat?

Trash Can Mystery

Every Monday morning after breakfast and before I leave for the office I would take the blue Rubbermaid trash can full of trash from my garage down to the street. After the trash was removed we would bring it back into the garage.

All was normal...until several Monday's ago. I took the can down and went about my routine. Later that day Mindy saw it turned over and empty but she was not able to bring it back in yet. As I returned home I did not see our trash can, I opened the garage door and still nothing. "It must have blown down the street" I thought. "But why aren't the neighbors cans blown over and around?" I looked down the street and saw nothing. I looked between houses, in my back yard and found it no where. So, I asked Scott (my boss who lives one street over) if he stole it. As you would probably expect, that was absolutely preposterous to him! He'd never thought of such a thing. I have even watched all of my neighbors cans to see if they snatched it. They didn't.

Now, several weeks have gone by and we have been without a trash can. It has been OK, we simply set our bags of trash by the curb for the trash men to pick up. It has worked. But every Monday I think about the mysterious disappearance of our trash can.

Until yesterday! Monday night Mindy said that she saw a can turned over that looked exactly like ours in our next door neighbors driveway. She was so suspicious she even went and looked at it. Sure enough, exactly like ours, only it was dirty, like it had been used for construction debris or something. Well, this aroused my curiosity! My neighbor doesn't even use a trash can and has not since ours went missing. She didn't even have one out that morning! I wanted to assume that it was our can and bring it home but I didn't.

Tuesday morning- early- I was in the garage on the treadmill and heard some bustling outside of my garage. I simply thought it was the wind- no big deal. After I got done with my work out I opened the garage door and there it was...that blue Rubbermaid trash can and lid leaning between the back of my car and my garage door.

It has been returned!!! Immediately I recognized this to be the craziest thing that has ever happened to me! Someone stole my trash can, used it for several weeks, and brought it back!! How crazy is that?! Will they steal it again? What made them steal it in the first place. It's not like it was expensive. Why that one? Why not a nicer one like my neighbors that has wheels? Who knows!

If I had the number for Shurlock Holmes I would call him. Most importantly, I can rest knowing that my trash can is back, safe and sound.

It can't be cheap!

It can't be cheap!

When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He died! He didn't just get beat up and hurt for a few days. He died! Jesus knew how much your life and mine cost. He knew that in order to give salvation freely to all people He would need to pay that cost in full.

Jesus didn't try to pay some of the cost and get the full benefit. He paid the full cost. When you go to purchase a shirt that cost $30 you can't give the clerk a $20 and expect to take ownership of the shirt. You have to pay the full cost!

Since Jesus paid the full price for my life and yours we should give Him full ownership.

Jesus paid the real expense but for some reason we think that we have to pay some expense to be owned by him. To be owned by Him we would allow Him to take full and complete control of our life. We would not hold any area back. We would give Him all. The expense we think we have to pay is the surrender of the world.

May I remind you, Jesus died for you. Your dirty little habit can't exist anymore, that TV show that you watch needs to be given up, that language you use...done, that magazine you look at...done, that lifestyle you are trying to keep needs to be surrendered fully to Jesus...Why? HE OWNS YOU!

"Well I'm not ready to give that up." Do you think Jesus as a human was ready to be beat and murdered?!

When Jesus lives fully in us and we are doing our best to be fully surrendered to Him He blesses us.

I can't explain how it feels to have Jesus residing inside of is the most incredible experience! Emotions, fulfillment, happiness, ah the list could go on!

I will leave you with what I started with...

It can't be cheap!

Live in Him

Things God showed me this week-end:

Nothing can take me out of God's hand. John 10:28-30
Once we give our life to Him we are His. He won't let us go and nothing can remove us!

You may know God but do you know God? John 14:8-10
Do you know Him?

The greatness of your relationship with Christ can be seen and felt when we ask. We can do great works for Christ. John 14:12-14

We must obey and keep Christ's commands. We don't have to rely on us. God gave us a Helper...The Holy Spirit. John:15-18

The world can't see Jesus, as He is not here physically. The the way the world sees Jesus is in and through us. John 14:19-21

We are God's home. If we keep His Word He will make His home in us. John 14:23-24

We are only human we are not perfect. The Holy Spirit will help us remember God's Word. John 14:26

We don't have to be afraid or be troubled, Jesus give us peace! John 14:27

Jesus is our source. He will work us over (weeding, pruning etc.) so we are more productive for Him. John 15:1-2

We have to abide in Jesus to bear fruit. Without Him we can't do anything. John 15:4-5

If we don't remain in Him we will be good for nothing. Like a fallen branch-lifeless-good only for fire. John 15:6

If we live (abide, remain) in Him He will give what we ask to The Father's Glory. John 15:7-8

If we live (abide, remain) in Him our joy can be full! John 15:11

We don't have a choice...Jesus chose and appointed us. We must bear fruit- real fruit- fruit that last. This is our command. Jesus will give us our desires when we live in Him. John 15:16

The world will hate us because we aren't of the world anymore. Jesus pulled us from it. If it makes you feel better...the world hated Jesus first. John 15:18-19

Feel better Christ Follower, The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, you don't have to do that part. John 16:8

We can ask, God will grant. Our joy can be full! John 16:24

Sure living in this world can be hard...don't worry, don't have trouble, Jesus has already overcame the world!!!!! John 16:33

God is so good to us to give us such great promises. We don't deserve His greatness, He gives it freely! LIVE IN JESUS TODAY!

Some Fine Competition

Competing for attention is probably not that great. BUT, when it comes to my daughters competing for mine, it is flattering!

Mindy was off to minister at the juvenile detention center last night so I had the opportunity for some alone time with my daughters. We had a great time! The highlight - even though this kind of competition is not healthy - was my daughters somewhat competing for me. Still makes me feel good inside. Just so you don't think I'm a bad dad, I did everything right. That's right I'm a perfect dad. Just kidding! I did not encourage competition, especially for my attention. I gave it to both of them freely!

Anyway back to my time with my girls. It was particularly special last night for some reason, as it is not like we are never alone together. The silly faces, the climbing up and over me as I laid on the floor, jumping on me and the continual wanting to mess up my hair. We had a great time!

When one of them would be giving me a hug the other then needed to do the same. It was quite flattering and cute - especially at this stage of their lives. I love my daughters! I am so thankful that God blessed me with them.

Since I think like this I do have to add this next few words: God, our father, what does God feel like? We are His children. Are we trying to be right in front of Him, trying to be the closest? I know how I feel with my daughters trying to be the closest to me. It feels so good. I want to give them more time and bless them in more ways. Wouldn't our Father - God, wouldn't He be the same? More so... Compete to be the closest to God today! Flatter Him in your attempt.

Kindness - what is that?

Be kind!

How often do we hear that word anymore? I used to hear it a lot when I was young. But, not so much anymore.

I wonder whatever happened to that? Kindness is a virtue! If we are kind, people like to be around us. If we are kind more people are attracted to us. If we are kind we get along better with ourselves and others.

Don't we want people to be attracted to us and like us? Why not try being kind today? We live in a self-service culture. We revolve around ourselves. We live for ourselves and we think about and for ourselves. Often times in this way of life we leave other people behind. We get in a hurry and cut out in front of someone. We want a promotion so we might step on others to get there. We need a certain deal to go through so we rudely push.

Often times we are RUDE! What good does being rude get you? NOTHING! It is funny, a mile down the road we come to a stop light and the car we ripped out in front of is now 3 ahead. A year after we used someone to get us to where we wanted to be in the corporate ladder they are now being promoted to our boss. That deal we rudely pushed for: now it's the worst thing and we wish we didn't have it.

Today: Be kind! Think about others before yourself. Let someone out in front of you in traffic. Help someone at work. Say something nice about someone. You'll be glad you did!


"God is still in control."
"I am shocked!"
"I can't believe it."
"Good job Arkansas, our state was red."
"Lord, heal our land."

These are just a few comments I have heard early this day after election day. I have to say what is screaming inside of me:


I mean come on! When was God not in control? Why are you shocked? You must have been blind to not see it coming. Why can't you believe it? It's been apparent for days if not weeks that this would be how the election ended. What does it matter what color our state was? God will heal our land, everything that happened yesterday could be the beginning stages. God might be taking us down so we as a country will be humble and seek Him.


If we want Christ represented in our country and through our elections we have to represent Him ourselves. We have to spread Him around like an uncontrollable wild fire. We can't just sit around on our rear ends expecting people to all of the sudden change their own morals and values and cry out for God!

Get done with all of the political mumbo jumbo and get yourself REAL with Jesus! Tell other people about Jesus - live Jesus! Who knows, president elect Obama could be introduced to a personal relationship with Jesus if we could ever wake up?!

Our country is not suffering because of the results of any election. Our country is suffering because us Christians are sleeping while the enemy is working. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't sit around complaining about how the elections did not go your way - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! The world is still here. Options are limitless! If our world was sold out to Jesus, don't you think things would be different? Let's get to work!

Kickin' the Can - Embarrassed

Do you remember what it feels like to truly be embarrassed?

Last night I spoke for a connection group for just a few minutes regarding a ministry opportunity. I went in with a great attitude looking forward to the time and the results. However, I came out embarrassed, feeling pathetic and acting to myself like I had a low self-image.

I was off from the start. My mind was all over the place, I could not hold a normal conversation, I was not talking to other people the way I normally would. I was off. Then, I got on the stage...before I say the next point, just know I speak a lot, in front of nearly every different age group and number of people. I love speaking in front of people. Anyway, I got on the stage, was introduced and then I spoke...not sure what all I said I just know I spoke. That spot in my memory is kind of dark. What I do remember is the beads of sweat rolling from my forehead and the feelings like the group was dead.

The time ended and all was well, good results were gathered. I got in the car trying to reenact the experience and absolutely beating myself over it. Then these words came belting through my car radio: "You got blood on your face, your a big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place..." Yes, you know it. That line stuck into my head and pulled me down even more.

Please keep in mind, I talk to people a lot. I LOVE speaking! It is quite possibly my favorite thing to do. And, I normally have a pretty good self-image. I am not the type to beat myself up.

What was the problem? Simple: Not speaking in the Spirit.

I went in to the meeting just fine, good attitude and all. I went through my moments terribly and left even worse. I didn't prepare. How else could I have prepared? This is my deal. Preparation in the Spirit.

I don't do ministry. God does ministry through me with His Spirit. I can't do it...clearly. He does it through me and I wasn't prepared. In other words, I had not given the time to Him and invited Him to rock it for me.

My days are rockin' when I have invited The Spirit to rule them, when I have given full control to Him. I can't make anything good. God's Spirit makes good though, and sometimes He does it through me.

You don't have to feel the way I did. Get in The Spirit. Ask God to rule and reside in and over you. Give Him full and complete control. Guess what? This takes full pressure off of you. How relaxing is that?!!

Attitude Determines Outcome

Remember that time you were having a tough day? Maybe you are there today. Do you remember your attitude that day? As the day progressed you became increasingly more upset. Someone could say something funny and it just ticked you off even more. You saw something lovely and you wrinkled your nose at it. You got even more ticked off when you were around those few people that were laughing and having a good time. You even thought to yourself: "What is there deal? They are causing such a commotion. Nothing is that funny!" Now, as you are thinking back to that day you may be experiencing tightness in your chest in the memory.

That day nothing could cheer you up. Nothing could make you feel better. Everything was stupid, dumb, lame or pathetic. Everything sucked!

Now, since we are just recounting the events of that day that you experienced. Looking back, was everything really that bad? For that matter, was anything that bad? What was that bad? Yup, that's right, your attitude! Face it, you attitude was terrible!

Because you had a terrible attitude nothing could be lovely to you, nothing good could happen and you restricted people and God from blessing you.

Point: Attitude determines outcome!

Tomorrow when you wake up, resolve within yourself to reject any negative emotion that rises within you. Resolve to have a great attitude. Resolve to have a great day. After all, attitude determines outcome.

If you are having this day today. I will get very elementary with you: STOP IT! I know, I know, it is not that easy. But it is. Take your focus from everything negative for 10 minutes and place it on positive things for the whole time. After you get done fighting with yourself you will begin to lighten up and quite possibly begin to experience happiness again. You can not allow a negative attitude to reside within you. You have to reject it. Why? Attitude determines outcome.

We all want a good outcome. Right?