Trash Can Mystery
Every Monday morning after breakfast and before I leave for the office I would take the blue Rubbermaid trash can full of trash from my garage down to the street. After the trash was removed we would bring it back into the garage.
All was normal...until several Monday's ago. I took the can down and went about my routine. Later that day Mindy saw it turned over and empty but she was not able to bring it back in yet. As I returned home I did not see our trash can, I opened the garage door and still nothing. "It must have blown down the street" I thought. "But why aren't the neighbors cans blown over and around?" I looked down the street and saw nothing. I looked between houses, in my back yard and found it no where. So, I asked Scott (my boss who lives one street over) if he stole it. As you would probably expect, that was absolutely preposterous to him! He'd never thought of such a thing. I have even watched all of my neighbors cans to see if they snatched it. They didn't.
Now, several weeks have gone by and we have been without a trash can. It has been OK, we simply set our bags of trash by the curb for the trash men to pick up. It has worked. But every Monday I think about the mysterious disappearance of our trash can.
Until yesterday! Monday night Mindy said that she saw a can turned over that looked exactly like ours in our next door neighbors driveway. She was so suspicious she even went and looked at it. Sure enough, exactly like ours, only it was dirty, like it had been used for construction debris or something. Well, this aroused my curiosity! My neighbor doesn't even use a trash can and has not since ours went missing. She didn't even have one out that morning! I wanted to assume that it was our can and bring it home but I didn't.
Tuesday morning- early- I was in the garage on the treadmill and heard some bustling outside of my garage. I simply thought it was the wind- no big deal. After I got done with my work out I opened the garage door and there it was...that blue Rubbermaid trash can and lid leaning between the back of my car and my garage door.
It has been returned!!! Immediately I recognized this to be the craziest thing that has ever happened to me! Someone stole my trash can, used it for several weeks, and brought it back!! How crazy is that?! Will they steal it again? What made them steal it in the first place. It's not like it was expensive. Why that one? Why not a nicer one like my neighbors that has wheels? Who knows!
If I had the number for Shurlock Holmes I would call him. Most importantly, I can rest knowing that my trash can is back, safe and sound.