On the Edge or in His will?

Sitting on the edge of your seat. Palms sweating. Beads of sweat form on your forehead. Your heart beats increasingly faster. The time gets nearer. The excitement rises. The anticipation builds deep within your soul. Ah! You could almost scream with all of the pressure building within.

A new adventure. A new journey. A new challenge. Better than any high. I live for this!

Sitting in the same place or position for too long is boring. I have to move. Dressing a certain way, doing the hair a certain way...it has to be changed. Style cannot remain the same. Some may call this ADD, I have no clue. I just know that I love starting, changing and creating! I call all of this living!

Why do I speak of all of this? I am there. Itching for the next thing. Itching to re-create, itching to change, itching to be doing what I feel like God is telling me to do.

I don't call this ADD, I call this living! For me, being content and successful is being right in the middle of God's will at that very moment.

Are you in the center of God's will? Or are you sitting on the edge of the seat?