Kindness - what is that?

Be kind!

How often do we hear that word anymore? I used to hear it a lot when I was young. But, not so much anymore.

I wonder whatever happened to that? Kindness is a virtue! If we are kind, people like to be around us. If we are kind more people are attracted to us. If we are kind we get along better with ourselves and others.

Don't we want people to be attracted to us and like us? Why not try being kind today? We live in a self-service culture. We revolve around ourselves. We live for ourselves and we think about and for ourselves. Often times in this way of life we leave other people behind. We get in a hurry and cut out in front of someone. We want a promotion so we might step on others to get there. We need a certain deal to go through so we rudely push.

Often times we are RUDE! What good does being rude get you? NOTHING! It is funny, a mile down the road we come to a stop light and the car we ripped out in front of is now 3 ahead. A year after we used someone to get us to where we wanted to be in the corporate ladder they are now being promoted to our boss. That deal we rudely pushed for: now it's the worst thing and we wish we didn't have it.

Today: Be kind! Think about others before yourself. Let someone out in front of you in traffic. Help someone at work. Say something nice about someone. You'll be glad you did!