It can't be cheap!

It can't be cheap!

When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He died! He didn't just get beat up and hurt for a few days. He died! Jesus knew how much your life and mine cost. He knew that in order to give salvation freely to all people He would need to pay that cost in full.

Jesus didn't try to pay some of the cost and get the full benefit. He paid the full cost. When you go to purchase a shirt that cost $30 you can't give the clerk a $20 and expect to take ownership of the shirt. You have to pay the full cost!

Since Jesus paid the full price for my life and yours we should give Him full ownership.

Jesus paid the real expense but for some reason we think that we have to pay some expense to be owned by him. To be owned by Him we would allow Him to take full and complete control of our life. We would not hold any area back. We would give Him all. The expense we think we have to pay is the surrender of the world.

May I remind you, Jesus died for you. Your dirty little habit can't exist anymore, that TV show that you watch needs to be given up, that language you use...done, that magazine you look at...done, that lifestyle you are trying to keep needs to be surrendered fully to Jesus...Why? HE OWNS YOU!

"Well I'm not ready to give that up." Do you think Jesus as a human was ready to be beat and murdered?!

When Jesus lives fully in us and we are doing our best to be fully surrendered to Him He blesses us.

I can't explain how it feels to have Jesus residing inside of is the most incredible experience! Emotions, fulfillment, happiness, ah the list could go on!

I will leave you with what I started with...

It can't be cheap!