Are You Performing Miracles?
Do we share Jesus out of obligation or out of love for people? So many times people think that the act of sharing Jesus is just that an act. In reality we are sharing something or someone all of the time.
Does anger rule your life? If so, you are sharing anger all of the time. Selfishness? Pride? Whatever we allow to rule our life is what we are sharing.
I think that many of us have been trained that to share Jesus we have to do all of this work. When working for Jesus is great and we should. What's better is allowing Him to manifest Himself through us so more people will come to Him.
When Jesus walked the earth in physical body, people came to Him and were attracted to Him because of His teaching and miracles. Hey, who wouldn't be attracted to miracles? I would be absolutely amazed to see a blind person recieve sight, a lepor be healed or a lifeless person recieve their life back! Who wouldn't want to see that?
It is hard to believe that we could be sharing Jesus simply by the way we live; our attitude, actions, stories we tell and choices we make.
Has someone you know ever been so excited that they were radiating with joy and happiness? Didn't you want to know what got them so excited? When we allow Jesus to consume us and we allow Him to radiate through us, people will be attracted.
Furthermore, miracles. Have you ever performed miracles? Most of us will probably answer emphatically "no." In rality, many of us have already. And more of us will in the future.
Recently a good friend of mine helped me get my car fixed. Our fender had gotten mangled by the door. He got is straightened out and helped me put it back on. This friend was performing miracles.
In the recent ice storm in NWA there was a gentleman who made the news because of his selfless assistance to the elderly people on his street. He was cutting wood, cleaning yards and ensuring people had everything they needed. This guy was performing miracles.
When Jesus performed miracles like healing someone or turning water into wine, He was meeting immediate needs.
What kind of immediate needs can we meet?
Events, trips and and classes are great tools in your box. But, what tools could you use on a daily basis?
My questions to you: Are you living Jesus? Are you performing miracles? If not, why not?
If you or someone you know has performed miracles please share them. These stories are great examples of how we can join as well!