Thoughts About Yesterday

I started falling asleep about 2 hours before church last night... not good, I felt mentally exhausted. I went to Kennedy coffee and learned that milder coffee actually has more caffeine. The barista made me a french press organic Mexican coffee, that rocked my world. I won't lie, I felt a little high. Hey, it was coffee, don't judge me!

Josh and Greg led us in worship last night. They rocked it! Josh wrote a song called "Hallelujah." All I can say!

Isn't it interesting how some people think it is their job to "fix" other people and point their sins out? Where do they get the idea that they are so great and sinless? Sinless enough to act like they are god to other people? If this person is you, I'll be your friend, you probably don't have many. Just a note. It is our job to love people to Jesus and Holy Spirit's job to convict them of sin.

In my arrogance and cockiness I believe that I have many gifts. OK, seriously now, I do believe I have some gifts, one for sure - vision. God has laid a HUGE vision on my heart and mind for Bentonville. I am so jakd to share it! I am ironing details this week, I will bring it to church this Sunday - be there!

I love Cross Culture - Church for the City! The people are great, we have a great time and Jesus is the boss!

I am in love with Jesus!

Legalistic people say: "You're going to hell." Jesus says: "I love you, come to me."

Started a new rigid schedule yesterday. I am both jakd and nervous about it. It is rigid. (I just like to say "rigid", it sounds cool. It really is rigid though.)

People falling in love with Jesus is what it is all about! Are you in love with Jesus?