Fat and Miserable or Fit and Happy?

What are you eating?

Are you on a new year diet? Maybe you were, but you've quit it already. What is the point of a diet? Most would agree that it is to get healthy, lose weight, gain strength or to just look and feel better.

Why do so we want to be healthy? I can't answer for you, but for me I want to live longer. I want to be happier. I want to feel good and full of energy. Most of us probably don't want to be overweight, tired and sick.

What would happen if we ate junk food all of the time? What would happen if we never, or rarely engaged in physical activity? Well, have you seen the movie "Wall E"? I had mixed emotions about this movie. I had heard good and bad about it. Not really knowing what to expect we tried it out. Have you seen it? If you have; picture the people in the space ship. Do you remember what there bones were like because of their inactivity and weight? Do you remember how large they were? Very unhealthy.

Most of us would probably agree that we would not engage in this style of lifestyle, and if we were getting close, we would change.

What about spiritually? I would guess that a lot of us look like those people in Wall E; unhealthy, over weight...clueless! Many of us are feeding ourselves unhealthy TV and books. We are not being nourished, instead we are having spiritual "junk food".

What do you want? Sure, you want to be close to Christ. You want to be fulfilled spiritually. Why aren't you? You may be clueless! What time is it? It is time to wake up!

See here's the deal. If you pollute your body with unhealthy food and inactivity you are going to live a fat miserable life.

If you pollute you spiritual body with unhealthy TV, media and books and you don't seek nourishment from the Lord. You are gong to live a fat miserable life!

What do you choose today? Fat and miserable or fit and healthy? "Ask and you shall receive!