Running, Flapping & Making Noise

I am so blessed to have 2 beautiful daughters! God seems to use them to reveal things to me.

This morning Carmen (5 year old) was running around the house flapping her arms around making funny noises with her mouth, I don't know how to express the action; sorry. Anyway, she was running around, flapping her arms and her tongue, making plenty of noise.

Lily Grace (16 months) stood and stared for about 15 seconds. By that time she was ready to go. She immediately tried to imitate the same noise with her mouth and she too began running around, flapping her arms and making the noise.

It took Lily 15 seconds to copy her sister. How long does it take us to imitate or copy Christ? As Christians we have been instructed to live like Jesus. How long does it take us to live like Him? We've got Scripture to see how He lived. We have the Holy Spirit leading us to live like Him. How long does it take?


alyssa said...

I'm hoping 31 years. I'm 30 now.........