Must Charge

Do you have a mobile phone? Yes. Stupid question! Everybody has a mobile phone these days! I've seen 5 year old kids with them. To me, that is nuts. Don't be offended if your kid has one... Maybe they need one. Yeah.

Anyway, unless you have a mobile phone that they made in Hollywood. The battery will not last forever. Not to mention it probably won't even last more than a day or two with out a charge.

I guess that is a good thing about mobile phones - we can charge them!

Our spiritual lives are similar to a mobile phone. Just like the phone, even more so, we can do amazing things! However, if we don't have a good charge and plenty of juice we will run out, or die.

I plug my phone in every night and allow it to suck power in all night long. When I wake in the morning it is fully charged and ready for whatever I have it do.

Jesus understood this principle before the mobile phone was ever created. Scripture tells us many times that He would go out "early in the morning", most of the time before the sun rose, to charge... or, talk to God.

What happens when our phone doesn't get a good charge? It does not perform at it's best, or it dies prematurely.

What happens when we don't have a good charge? We don't perform at our best, i.e. we have a bad attitude, we complain and grumble more, we aren't as happy if we are happy at all. We don't exemplify Christ. We die prematurely.

Every time you pull your mobile phone off of it's charger remember this. Go get a charge for yourself. It may only take a few minutes. Spend some time with Jesus. Get a charge, you don't want to run out. You especially don't want to die prematurely!