Weeds in the Garden
Have you ever planted a garden? Maybe you grew some tomatos, herbs, corn and or green beans? There are all kinds of veggies and fruits that you can grow right in your own back yard.
I grew up with a HUGE garden in the back yard. This thing was a bit bigger than a full size basketball court; it was big! We had corn, green beans, tomatos, potatos, radishes; all kinds of stuff.
From my experience in gardening (helping my dad) I can say that it is a LOT of work! You have to cultivate the land. Put fertilizer down. Plant, water, fertilize, and water some more! Then there are things you don't have control over, such as: Sun light and weeds. Wow! I almost felt like I was cussing when I said "weeds." I hate weeds! They come in and take over everything! They have no respect for what you are trying to do or grow. They are arrogant and selfish. They will grow anywhere no matter the health of the soil. Then, they kill off the good stuff. I hate weeds!
Sin is like weeds in the garden. It takes over everything. It has no respect for people and Spiritual growth, it is arrogant and selfish. Sin will grow in anyone, no matter the health of the person. Sin kills off spiritual advancement. Sin is consuming!
There is good news! To be a successful gardener, you have to constantly pull weeds and clean the ground. When you do this daily and sometimes multiple times a day, you can grow good healthy food.
Genesis 4:7 says "...sin is ready to attack you. Sin wants you, but you must rule over it."
Isn't this great to know?! Just like the aggressive, disgusting weeds, sin wants us. Sin wants to kill out the good stuff and take us over. However, just like the garden, we "MUST RULE OVER IT"!
Today, we have choices. Do we let the weeds of sin eat us up spiritually, or, do we take control and with God's help we de-weed and grow healthy?
What do you choose?