You think you know, but you have no idea

I have been going through the New Testament and am really enjoying studying the life of Jesus! It is really cool to see His personality. I cracked up this morning as I read Mark 7:6. The first sentence out of Jesus' mouth is great! (His freedom and authority of speech)

I am amazed by the influence of Jesus. Look at Mark 1:16-20. Can you imagine that? Jesus walks up, sees these two guys, Simon and Andrew, and simply tells them to follow Him that He will make them fishers of men. Then, a couple of boats down, he calls James and John to follow Him. Do they even have any clue who He is? How much dialogue have they had? It doesn't look like much. All of these guys got the call and immediately left to follow Jesus, they left everything behind. Amazing!

What do the disciples see? Lepers healed, eye sight restored to the blind, demons cast out, a paralytic healed and forgiven, tax collectors following Him, phenomenal preaching, great multitudes following Him and two different feedings: 5000 fed from a few fish and loaves, and 4000 fed from a few loaves and some fish!

Miracle after miracle after miracle! Jesus automatically won the approval of most and His disciples saw that. Here is what fascinates me:

After Jesus calms the storm his disciples asked a ridiculous question...after all they have seen, they asked: "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!"

This amazes me because I would have thought that if you followed Jesus that much time and you witnessed with your own eyes all of those miracles and heard with your own ears all of His teaching you would know who He was! If you left EVERYTHING to follow Him!

Three things God is showing me through this:

One is that I need to fall on my face every day and seek His face, seek to know Him, seek to have that intimate relationship with Him. I need to be engrossed with the Word to learn Him.
The second is that no matter how much I think I know Him, He can and will still amaze me with His power!
Lastly: No matter how many miracles I experience even with my own eyes, Jesus will still amaze me and put me into a state of complete awe and wonder like He did with the disciples.

How well do you know Jesus?