14 Pulled From the Pit
I have been so busy this week with reports, meetings, all of the normal and a local mission trip which rocked my world yesterday.
Yesterday something happened that is still hard for me to believe, 14 people met Jesus at our local mission event! Let me say that again.....
14 people met Jesus!
That is absolutely HUGE!
You might be wondering why this is hard for me to believe. I am not really sure, I guess it just caught me by surprise, see, I prepared and prayed for this mission trip, but to be honest, I did not really have any major goals or "faith estimates". I have been majorly excited about this but at the same time I have been majorly distracted with everything else going on.Yesterday I shared a message, one that God straight up delivered through me, 'cause I didn't even know I was talking until the night before and I still didn't even know what I was going to talk about until I was on stage, craziness! God had a plan, He wanted people to meet Him, so, He delivered a message through me than when it was time for an invitation each "green shirt" as I have been calling them, students on the mission trip, they each went to a different participant and shared Christ... 1 on 1!
Students gathered in little circles 2-4 people in each one all over the lawn of an apartment complex, sharing their faith in Jesus Christ, amazing! The Holy Spirit was ever present in this place, people began to come to me to announce their decision, after talking to a few my heart was just overjoyed. God changed 14 peoples lives! See, these are 14 souls that have been saved from the pits of hell, these are 14 souls that now have a Savior, Father and Friend, 14 souls that are no longer lost and without a purpose. Praise God!
Why was this hard for me to belive? I got caught up into everything I was doing, didn't feel prepared and didn't feel prayed up for this particular event. I was distracted. I was focusing on myself. Here is a quote that describes the greatness from yesterday.
"If we are faithful to do what only we can do, God will be faithful to do what only He can do." Doug Sarver
See, the whole mission team did what were supposed to do...show up. God did what only He could do! Praise Him!
What is it that you are trying to do for God? Where are you falling short on faithfulness?