Run, don't walk, RUN!

Picture this: You are walking down your street enjoying the nice summer evening, the sun is setting the clouds are taking on beautiful new colors of purple, pink and orange, the air is crisp and you are at peace. Then all of the sudden out of no where a giant dog jumps out in front of you about 15 feet ahead, he is crouched and ready to attack, foaming at the mouth with teeth that seem to be at least 4 inches long. In a moment you think of what you should do, "should I run or should I walk?" Then common sense takes over, you turn and run as fast as you can - for your life, looking for the nearest escape route any open door will do.

Picture this: You are walking down your street enjoying the nice summer evening, the sun is setting the clouds are taking on beautiful new colors of purple, pink and orange, the air is crisp and you are at peace. Then all of the sudden out of no where a person stands out in front of you about 15 feet ahead, he/she is beautiful and ready to attack, strutting and showing off his/her "perfect" body. In a moment you think of what you should do, "should I..."

Isn't that where it changes? I have been in this situation more times than I want to admit to. The only difference in these two scenarios is that the second one is a temptation and the first one is very clearly a danger. But, wait! What is the difference? Is there even a difference?

We all are tempted by different things, some are tempted by lust, others money, maybe prestige, maybe it's alcohol abuse that tempts you, maybe drugs.

Personally I have to treat lust like that nearly rabid dog from above. When I face the temptation of merely looking I have to say to myself "Run, don't walk, RUN!" Why, if I even so much as entertain the thought of a look I am doomed. I am in trouble. "Wait Philip, you are married." Exactly, I love my wife, I am happy with my wife, we have a great relationship! (emphasis added). I don't watnt to damage that. The problem is my sin nature. The problem is your sin nature. I don't think we could ever be spiritual enough to not be tempted.

The good news is that God has given us a way out. There is always a way out. See, when running from a dog you would have to find a house, car or fence climb to get away from it. No matter what God always gives us a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

If you want a way out ask God for it, He has one ready for you. Click the white "X" in the red box. Leave the bar. Hang out with a new crowd that doesn't drink. Turn your head the other direction. Change the channel. No matter what you do when you are faced with any kind of temptation-

Run, don't walk, RUN!