
Picture these 21 year old girls:
Girl - long natural hair maybe in a bun or braided, long skirt down to feet, blouse tucked in.
Girl - buzz cut hair, multiple earrings, nose ring, denim jeans, converse shoes, tank top, tattoos.
Girl - shoulder length hair, highlights, hoop earrings, trendy t-shirt, seven jeans, cell phone.

I could go on and do the same for men. As you were reading the descriptions you were probably forming judgments in your head about people, you may have even thought of some people you come in contact with.

I went to lunch yesterday and the girl who took my order could be described like girl #2.
I was walking my neighborhood with my family last night when I saw girl #1 walking as well.
I see girl #3 almost on a daily basis, as this is a real popular look.

When I saw girl #1 walking on my street I immediately formed a judgement in my head that she was probably strange, that she is more than likely ultra conservative, doesn't do anything fun, and has a weird personality.

When I saw girl #2, I immediately formed a judgement in my head that she was probably a lesbian, she probably partied and smoked, and was probably more manly than myself.

When I see girl #3, I almost pass her by because I see her type so often, but I still manage to form a judgement that she is probably a daddy's girl, secretly rebellious, has a good girl cover around parents and teachers but is really a party-er, her self worth is more than likely based in her looks or lack of.

WHAT!!??!! Philip! Did you really just put all that out there? Yes, I did! You are probably thinking that I am some kind of judgemental, self righteous super conceited Christian. Guess what? You are right. I hate this about me, I have battled this all of my life. I want it to go away. I HATE judging people, #1 because it is a sin, #2 because judgements are rarely accurate. God has brought me a LONG way, I have not totally gotten over this sin, as soon as I think I have I do it again..........Is this you?

Girl #1 is a Christian lady from a nearby baptist Church and I'm sure is great.
Girl #2 is turned out to be really nice, was very friendly and was quite feminine.
Girl #3 is striving to be accepted and truly wants to please her parents.

Matthew 7:1 tells me to not judge others. The Bible speaks of this other times as well. Why do we do it? (yes, WE) I can't answer this question, but I can tell you what I am doing to attempt to overcome. #1 PRAY. I have been seeking the Lord, and will continue to seek Him on this issue. #2 Accountability. We have to have people that are around us help us. Why? We are so used to judging others that we don't even recognize it anymore, we need help.

IMAGE DOES NOT REVEAL THE HEART! Besides that, how great is your image, how great is my image? Let's let God decide that.