Cinnamon Rolls and TV

A few months ago I saw a commercial with a lady walking down a sidewalk eating a cinnamon roll, the next frame showed her from a distance and half of her body was a cinnamon roll. The point of the commercial was that "You are what you eat."

I am by no means and expert on nutrition or even eating correctly but lets put this on the plate anyway. If we eat unhealthy fattening foods we will most likely be unhealthy and get...well, get overweight. If we eat a balanced diet with plenty of veggies, fruit and "healthy" food we will most likely be healthy, and probably war against the enemy - fat.

I don't know about you but this statement really scares me..."You are what you eat." I know I ate some chocolate chip cookies yesterday that were good...but they weren't that good.
Here is the question God is challenging me with:

If my body is influenced so much by cookies, wouldn't my mind and heart be just as influenced with "unhealthy" mind and heart food?

I understand that I need to be very cautious with what I put in my mouth, I also need to be on a consistent exercise program. I need to do these things to be healthier, happier- to live a full, happy and healthy life.

That is good for my body, what about my heart and mind? I need to be just as cautious if not more with what I put into my mind and heart. i.e. tv, music, magazines, books, associations etc. I also need to be on a consistent exercise program. i.e. daily quiet time with God, prayer, Bible study, Church and fellowship with other people striving for the same thing.

Last question: If cinnamon rolls and cookies can be so visible on our physical appearance, how much more can sinful tv shows, sinful magazines and music be visible on our spiritual appearance?

We need to let God use us to the fullest, good physical shape will give us more time and energy to serve Him. We have to have be in good spiritual shape to be used effectively by Him. Are you in shape?