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I have to tell you something.
Are you ready?
Okay, here goes - I am a dreamer, a visionary. I really do believe that anything could happen. I believe that if you can dream it and God wills it, it could happen.
Not only am I a dreamer, I am a BIG dreamer. I dream so BIG that it even challenges my belief. I have dreams right now - at this very time that, well, that I am not yet sure about. I believe, but they are HUGE!
Have you ever dreamed about doing something and rejected the dream because it defied common sense? Maybe you dreamed something and someone else rejected it because it was so radical?
I get so enraged when people crush others dreams!! Sure, some dreams may be outright ridiculous and man made, but come on already! What is the worst thing that could happen in the pursuit of a dream? Really, what is the worst thing?
Don't get all tied up in a ball just yet, I understand common sense, I also understand reality and I am praying daily to fully understand God's plan. I agree with you that all of these things play a roll in our dreaming. Especially GOD's plan. Just so you don't wonder, I surrender all my dreams and aspirations to God, why? Because His plan is the ONLY plan. Sometimes it takes me some time to fully release it to Him, but I do. Most though, are from Him.
Why did God give us the ability to dream and aspire in the first place? I believe that it was so we would dream, aspire and vision HUGE for His Kingdom. God has given my HUGE dreams and visions for His Kingdom. Sure, over the course of my life I have dreamed and visioned for myself, and most of those have seemingly succeeded then - splat, failure.
I believe that a dream and vision for God's Kingdom with His will and our work will succeed. I am on board with that.
Is the dream my size or God sized? What can God do? Duh! He can do way more than we could EVER dream about doing. Why not let Him?
In conclusion. Please pray for me, God is rocking my world with a HUGE vision I can barely get my mind around. Pray that God will open your eyes to the work He wants you to do, and no matter how impossible it sounds or looks, rock it! Don't crush others dreams. Don't be a naysayer. Be an encourager. Finally, let's go shake and bake for Jesus!