
Do you remember when you were a kid? For some that may be easier than others. Anyway, do you remember that time you stole the cookie from the jar and you heard your mom coming so you stuffed it into your mouth real quick? What happened next? You got caught! Of course you did. You can't swallow a cookie that fast.

What about when you were a teenager and you thought you would be "cool" and try that cigarette? You know you did. You changed your shirt, brushed your teeth. Uh huh. You still stank! You still got caught!

Neither of these may have been you. What was it for you? Most of us in our lifetime have done things that we tried to cover up, we tried to camouflage but we still got caught.

Look at this chameleon. He doesn't think anyone can see him. Can you see him? He has spent energy trying to not be seen. Hmm, doesn't look like it worked.

In what area of your life are you being a chameleon? What area of your life are you hiding that needs to be confessed? What area is it that you think no one can see?

No matter how hard we try we can NEVER hide, NEVER! See, even when the teen tried a cigarette, they still held the smell. God knows everything, He knows you all the way down to your thoughts! (Isaiah 55:8)

Looking back at the chameleon, I almost laugh to think that he probably thinks he is totally invisible. Isn't that what we think when we think we've got something covered up really well?

What are you hiding?

The Fantastic Life

What is the American dream? What do you work for?

Two cars, big house, BIG but skinny tv, great career(s), tropical vacations, maybe a vacation home, college education for your kids....."Money, Money, Money, Money....MONEY!" (as we have heard on the Donald's "Apprentice")

Most of us work hard, we work to keep the collectors from calling, we work to keep clothes on our kids, food in our mouths, gas in our cars, we work to keep up with the Jones' and maybe, maybe one day get in the lead.

Listen to this: We work to have a great life!
Do you agree with that statement? Be honest. Thanks, I thought you would.

Our level of "great life" for the most part is measured by the car, house, clothes, and blah blah blah that we have right? Our level of "great life" may be measured by the school our kids go to, or maybe by the people we associate with. Have I pushed your button yet?

Growing up poor I definitely fell into this joke, the joke of believing that a great life came from cars, houses and blah blah blah. I believed this with all of my heart I even pursued it for a while, I thought I had made it, boy was I wrong. My "great life" turned out to be nothing more than a pathetic life. Praise God! He delivered me from my "great life" to my pathetic life to now what I call my fantastic life!

Am I rich? Nope, not monetarily. But, I do have a fantastic life, and in that I am rich. God's Word gives us a lot of instruction regarding money, wealth and life. The one verse God has shown me this week is what has caused this whole blog. John 14:6 Jesus said: "I am the way the truth and the life..." Hold up! The point of this Scripture is that no one gets to the Father but through Jesus. But isn't this great!?! We know something the Jones' may not know yet. If we want to have a fantastic life we have to go where? JESUS! We will never get it from money, cars, houses or even from a great vacation home on the beach!

The "fantastic life" does not lie in material gain but in Jesus. Do you have a fantastic life?

14 Pulled From the Pit

I have been so busy this week with reports, meetings, all of the normal and a local mission trip which rocked my world yesterday.

Yesterday something happened that is still hard for me to believe, 14 people met Jesus at our local mission event! Let me say that again.....

14 people met Jesus!
That is absolutely HUGE!
You might be wondering why this is hard for me to believe. I am not really sure, I guess it just caught me by surprise, see, I prepared and prayed for this mission trip, but to be honest, I did not really have any major goals or "faith estimates". I have been majorly excited about this but at the same time I have been majorly distracted with everything else going on.

Yesterday I shared a message, one that God straight up delivered through me, 'cause I didn't even know I was talking until the night before and I still didn't even know what I was going to talk about until I was on stage, craziness! God had a plan, He wanted people to meet Him, so, He delivered a message through me than when it was time for an invitation each "green shirt" as I have been calling them, students on the mission trip, they each went to a different participant and shared Christ... 1 on 1!

Students gathered in little circles 2-4 people in each one all over the lawn of an apartment complex, sharing their faith in Jesus Christ, amazing! The Holy Spirit was ever present in this place, people began to come to me to announce their decision, after talking to a few my heart was just overjoyed. God changed 14 peoples lives! See, these are 14 souls that have been saved from the pits of hell, these are 14 souls that now have a Savior, Father and Friend, 14 souls that are no longer lost and without a purpose. Praise God!

Why was this hard for me to belive? I got caught up into everything I was doing, didn't feel prepared and didn't feel prayed up for this particular event. I was distracted. I was focusing on myself. Here is a quote that describes the greatness from yesterday.

"If we are faithful to do what only we can do, God will be faithful to do what only He can do." Doug Sarver
See, the whole mission team did what were supposed to up. God did what only He could do! Praise Him!
What is it that you are trying to do for God? Where are you falling short on faithfulness?

Toy Soldiers

Have you ever seen those tiny miniature toy soldiers? What are they for?

I can picture that older gentleman in my mind sitting in front of a table with hundreds of toy soldiers on it, each perfectly designed and each unique to the others. A large magnifying glass is mounted on the table between him and the army, small cups of paints are there with little tiny paint brushes. The gentleman creates and ever so carefully paints each little detail on each soldier. No amount of time spent on just one of these little soldiers is too much.

Then when he finishes his daily batch of soldiers he sits back and smiles. A soft sigh of success and joy slowly exits his lungs. These little soldiers bring him joy. They are his craftsmanship.

Hmm, we still didn't see what the soldiers were for. Or, did we? Aha, do you see it?

The soldiers were created by and for their creator.

Do you see where I am going? We are the soldiers, our Creator is God. He has taken a countless number of hours to make us just right, unique and perfect. We are His Creation, created for Him.

We might think that the old man was waisting his time with each little detail of those soldiers. We are so wrong. Those little soldiers bring him unspeakable joy.
We are the soldiers, created by and for our Creator.
Are we supposed to be like the little figurine soldiers that can't even move? NO! We were created by a much more talented Creator. We are here to bring Him glory, to shine His light, to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are not here for you
I am not here for me
We are not here for us
ALL are here for Him
WE need to get that straight!


Have you ever been through a tornado? You might think I am crazy but I want to. Understatement, I want to badly. Of course, I would like to go with the pros and be in one of those armored tornado vehicles. I don't want to die, just go through a tornado.

I can only imagine what it would be like, I automatically think of that movie from years back called "Twister", wow! What a great movie. Just think of the power, the force and the magnitude of a tornado. Incredible!

A tornado seems to uproot everything in its path. If it is not rooted deeply it will go flying, in tornado alley a lot of people have underground shelters to get in. Wasn't it in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy's house went up in a tornado? Crazy!

I love adrenaline. I want to experience a tornado.

God has caused multiple tornado's in my life. Don't go back up to read where I said I've never been in one, these are different. God has taken multiple tornado's and blown my world apart, He has detached everything that He didn't want there, He has literally rocked my world.

What does a town look like after a devastating tornado? Houses are crushed, trees are down, cars are thrown from one side of town to the other. Why would anyone want that? I don't want that, the perfect tornado would be one where there is nothing, just me in a tornado safe car.

What am I saying? God has destroyed my life and torn my house down? No! But, in the same way a tornado comes in and does its work. God has come and changed my life, He has destroyed different parts, He has uprooted some, He has changed my life!

What happens to that town after the tornado destroys everything? They build back, bigger, nicer, newer and better.

Earlier I said that I love adrenaline. No exaggeration, I do, I love it! God has tornado's in my life right now, He is changing me, He is making me the way He wants me, He is preparing me so He can build me bigger, nicer, newer and better.

Are you sitting in the shelter avoiding God's tornado, or are you allowing Him to rock your world?

No matter what, if we sit in the tornado shelter or not, the houses are still blown over, the trees are still uprooted. We have not changed.

Challenge: Get out of your shelter, and into what God wants to do in your life.

Stuck in the Airport

A friend recently flew from Arkansas to Texas for a few days. All went well, then it came time for the return trip. She got to the airport early to get checked in, all was well. Then she heard it, a sound I'm sure most are familiar with; the airport attendant speaking at 100 mph with so much static you would think it was an am station. All to my friends notice, her flight was delayed. Her whole day was spent in anticipation, every time her flight got re-scheduled it would get delayed another 1-2 hours. Frustrating! Have you been there? She made it home with 30 minutes left in the day. Quite a long day of sitting in an airport.

What made the delays? What makes the delays in any flight? A lot of us have experienced flight delays and most of the time we get upset and forget that there is anyone else on the planet. I think that some of my friends delays were thunder and lightening storms. I don't know about you, I wouldn't want to be trying to get up in a plane in a major storm.

Sometimes plane delays can be caused by mechanical malfunctions, maybe a motor isn't working right, maybe the lift gear isn't working right. Maybe there is oil on the runway. There is a whole list of problems that can be had.

It is easy to say "forget all of those excuses, let's get the plane in the air so I can get home." When in reality, if they really did this you may end up dead and a multimillion dollar aircraft destroyed.

God is drawing me to the next chapter in my life, He is showing me my new calling. I am deep in anticipation, I simply can't wait. I would love to fast forward everything and get to the next chapter in my life, but, I can't.

Can you relate to this?

Have you ever read a book maybe a mystery, this is a book where almost every page counts, if you miss one you miss something important? Imagine taking a whole chapter out. At the end of the book possibly even at the chapter after the one that was removed you would be lost.

This time I am in and you may be in, this time is the time in the airport when all the quirks are getting worked out, this is the chapter that is vital to the book.

Pray for me in this chapter-this time in the airport.

If you are stuck in the airport of life and anticipating your departure to the next place, ask God to open your eyes while you are there. Ask God to help you to see the importance of this chapter.

Run, don't walk, RUN!

Picture this: You are walking down your street enjoying the nice summer evening, the sun is setting the clouds are taking on beautiful new colors of purple, pink and orange, the air is crisp and you are at peace. Then all of the sudden out of no where a giant dog jumps out in front of you about 15 feet ahead, he is crouched and ready to attack, foaming at the mouth with teeth that seem to be at least 4 inches long. In a moment you think of what you should do, "should I run or should I walk?" Then common sense takes over, you turn and run as fast as you can - for your life, looking for the nearest escape route any open door will do.

Picture this: You are walking down your street enjoying the nice summer evening, the sun is setting the clouds are taking on beautiful new colors of purple, pink and orange, the air is crisp and you are at peace. Then all of the sudden out of no where a person stands out in front of you about 15 feet ahead, he/she is beautiful and ready to attack, strutting and showing off his/her "perfect" body. In a moment you think of what you should do, "should I..."

Isn't that where it changes? I have been in this situation more times than I want to admit to. The only difference in these two scenarios is that the second one is a temptation and the first one is very clearly a danger. But, wait! What is the difference? Is there even a difference?

We all are tempted by different things, some are tempted by lust, others money, maybe prestige, maybe it's alcohol abuse that tempts you, maybe drugs.

Personally I have to treat lust like that nearly rabid dog from above. When I face the temptation of merely looking I have to say to myself "Run, don't walk, RUN!" Why, if I even so much as entertain the thought of a look I am doomed. I am in trouble. "Wait Philip, you are married." Exactly, I love my wife, I am happy with my wife, we have a great relationship! (emphasis added). I don't watnt to damage that. The problem is my sin nature. The problem is your sin nature. I don't think we could ever be spiritual enough to not be tempted.

The good news is that God has given us a way out. There is always a way out. See, when running from a dog you would have to find a house, car or fence climb to get away from it. No matter what God always gives us a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

If you want a way out ask God for it, He has one ready for you. Click the white "X" in the red box. Leave the bar. Hang out with a new crowd that doesn't drink. Turn your head the other direction. Change the channel. No matter what you do when you are faced with any kind of temptation-

Run, don't walk, RUN!

Schick Quattro

Archive from 5.29.08, enjoy.

I have a morning routine: Wakeup, 1 hour of power (quiet time), work out, shower and so on. This morning as I approached my Schick Quattro (razor) the thought came into my mind that this razor was getting a little bit wore out-dull, to some this may not be that big of a deal, to me however, it is, ‘cause when the blades are dull they tear my face up. So, I did what common sense told me to do-I changed the blade cartridge and all is well.

This got me to thinking about my spiritual life. Sometimes, possibly even daily, we as Christians can get a little dull. When we get dull, like the razor we produce negative results.

Matthew 7:17-20
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

I had 2 choices this morning:
1. Change the blade cartridge and be fine.
2. Shave with dull blades and more than likely hurt myself.

Changing the blade cartridge was not hard whatsoever; it just took an extra minute. Once I did that it was all good.

My thought is that as Christ followers we need to “change the blade cartridge” on a daily basis in order to “produce good fruit.”

Change the blades:
Proverbs 2:1-6
My child, listen to what I say and remember what I command you. Listen carefully to wisdom; set your mind on understanding. Cry out for wisdom, and beg for understanding. Search for it like silver, and hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand respect for the Lord, and you will find that you know God. Only the Lord gives wisdom; he gives knowledge and understanding.

Don’t be a “dull blade” in this world “change the blade” “bear good fruit.” Do Matthew 6:33 and “Seek His Kingdom first.”

Emphasis Added

I have to tell you something.

Are you ready?

Okay, here goes - I am a dreamer, a visionary. I really do believe that anything could happen. I believe that if you can dream it and God wills it, it could happen.

Not only am I a dreamer, I am a BIG dreamer. I dream so BIG that it even challenges my belief. I have dreams right now - at this very time that, well, that I am not yet sure about. I believe, but they are HUGE!

Have you ever dreamed about doing something and rejected the dream because it defied common sense? Maybe you dreamed something and someone else rejected it because it was so radical?

I get so enraged when people crush others dreams!! Sure, some dreams may be outright ridiculous and man made, but come on already! What is the worst thing that could happen in the pursuit of a dream? Really, what is the worst thing?

Don't get all tied up in a ball just yet, I understand common sense, I also understand reality and I am praying daily to fully understand God's plan. I agree with you that all of these things play a roll in our dreaming. Especially GOD's plan. Just so you don't wonder, I surrender all my dreams and aspirations to God, why? Because His plan is the ONLY plan. Sometimes it takes me some time to fully release it to Him, but I do. Most though, are from Him.

Why did God give us the ability to dream and aspire in the first place? I believe that it was so we would dream, aspire and vision HUGE for His Kingdom. God has given my HUGE dreams and visions for His Kingdom. Sure, over the course of my life I have dreamed and visioned for myself, and most of those have seemingly succeeded then - splat, failure.
I believe that a dream and vision for God's Kingdom with His will and our work will succeed. I am on board with that.

Is the dream my size or God sized? What can God do? Duh! He can do way more than we could EVER dream about doing. Why not let Him?

In conclusion. Please pray for me, God is rocking my world with a HUGE vision I can barely get my mind around. Pray that God will open your eyes to the work He wants you to do, and no matter how impossible it sounds or looks, rock it! Don't crush others dreams. Don't be a naysayer. Be an encourager. Finally, let's go shake and bake for Jesus!

1, 2, 2 1/2, 2 3/4, 2 7/8...

Unfortunately we have to discipline our children. I say "unfortunately" because I hate doing it, but, I must!

We have different forms of discipline, we use what works. We definitely believe in "training a child in the way he should go..." Sometimes it is not easy nor fun.

We are teaching our 4 year old many things, and helping her in continual practice of different disciplines.
We are helping our 9 1/2 month old to be disciplined in her schedule, and putting herself to sleep. Both of these wonderful beautiful girls have my heart and that is why I want and why we do discipline and teach discipline. The only problem is that since they have my heart it is hard at times, if you are a parent you probably understand. However, I love them so much that I want them to be well behaved and well disciplined. Why? If they are their lives will be so much more fulfilling and rewarding, things could even be easier for them. And so many more reasons.

It absolutely crushes my heart to discipline our 4 year old, often times this cause crying and her being very upset and me momentarily wanting to just hold her close and say that whatever she did was OK and that I would not discipline any more. When our 9 1/2 month old cries and cries in her crib fighting sleep I want so badly to go and sweep her into my arms and hold her close I want to rock her gently, what good would this do though?

I have to discipline. Over time our 4 year olds behavior has grown, she has learned a lot and has quite good manors. Our 9 1/2 month old is almost to the point where she is putting herself to sleep and the list could go on.

Disciplining is hard but if we don't do it now, our children will have to suffer more later in life. I certainly don't want that.

Being a father has helped me to understand God's love for us. To God I am like my kids are sometimes, I can only imagine how I can break His heart sometimes because I sin and He has to discipline me. I am thankful though, because of His very real discipline in my life, I am improving.

Now I understand a little better just how much God loves me. He loves me so much that He will help me now even if it hurts a little bit, so I will do great later.

Last night my 4 year old received discipline and was crying, meanwhile my 9 1/2 month old had seen and heard her crying, she went from her normal cheery self to a complete broken heart and crying. Wow.

1. We need to get in touch and obedient with God to the point where we accept His discipline and strive to please Him so we are obedient.
2. We need to get in touch with our world, like my baby daughter, our hearts need to break when we see sin and discipline. We need to be advocates for God to help people before they get to the sin and discipline point.

Discipline is a great tool to help us grow. But, if we can simply obey and not get to the point of discipline, why not?

Neighborhood Watch

Over the past couple of weeks God has challenged me to take my street for Him. A sad things is that I do local missions and am constantly in the community doing ministry, but the problem was that I had not been doing it on my own. I had plenty of excuses and quite frankly hadn't even really thought about it.

I didn't even know where to start, so, we (my whole family) started next door. As of now, we have met several of our neighbors and started the process of building relationships. This is such a great opportunity, as I have told some of our neighbors; we don't normally meet our neighbors until moving day. Isn't that sad? We can live somewhere for 12-18 months and never meet our neighbors, then when we are packing the trailers we begin to meet them.

How does this translate to local missions? Glad you asked. We are meeting and building relationships with everyone on our street. We are starting with friendships and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead. I am praying that we will see at least one person meet Jesus out of these 30 residences.

Is it hard? You bet, we have set a discipline of getting up right after dinner and immediately going to someones house. Then the next hard part is knocking on the door. What do we say? Then the next hard part is intentionally trying to build a relationship with someone we don't know from Adam.

God is blessing though, with the neighbors we have met so far they have been very receptive, warm and welcoming, and we have already began true friendships. We had a family over for dinner last night and we all connected really well. I can already see how God is going to use my wife in this particular friendship.

Are we going door to door asking people where they will go when they die and then presenting the Romans road? No, God hasn't led us to do that yet. But, we are ready when He does.

Do you know your neighbors?

Spiritual Treadmill

Have you ever exercised on a treadmill? I know that most treadmills are different, but I think for the most part they all serve the same purpose- exercise.

I was walking (quite briskly I might add) this morning and doing what I normally do when on the treadmill, I was keeping track of the time, calories burned and my distance. As I was doing all of these things a little moth flew in and rested on the side of the treadmill on the part that doesn't move to the right of the track. I didn't like him there so I attempted to shew him away with my foot- probably not a good idea when going at a high rate of speed (sorry, action lovers, I didn't crash). He wasn't moving so I thought to myself "enough!" I jumped my feet off of the moving track and kicked the moth off of the machine and he flew away.

In my momentary satisfaction of getting the moth off of the machine I realized that since the track was still going even though I wasn't on it, I was still burning calories and covering distance. Wait! I wasn't even on the track? The machine had no idea if I was on or not.

I found this interesting. I could have taken it easy and stood on the sides of the machine and burned a TON of calories without the work. What would that get me? Well...nothing. Or, I could have done what I did and that was hop back on and really burn those calories.

Isn't this like our spiritual life sometimes? We may be on a "spiritual treadmill" we are going to Church, doing quiet times, Bible studies and more but we are totally disengaged. We are standing on the side of the machine. What's the point? In the end we've racked hours of quiet times, we've been in Church every time the doors are open we have held spiritual conversations, but we have nothing real to show for it. We have not grown spiritually, we have not been spiritually worked out.

What are you doing today? Are you standing on the sides of the spiritual growth treadmill or are you on the track and really burning those calories?

You think you know, but you have no idea

I have been going through the New Testament and am really enjoying studying the life of Jesus! It is really cool to see His personality. I cracked up this morning as I read Mark 7:6. The first sentence out of Jesus' mouth is great! (His freedom and authority of speech)

I am amazed by the influence of Jesus. Look at Mark 1:16-20. Can you imagine that? Jesus walks up, sees these two guys, Simon and Andrew, and simply tells them to follow Him that He will make them fishers of men. Then, a couple of boats down, he calls James and John to follow Him. Do they even have any clue who He is? How much dialogue have they had? It doesn't look like much. All of these guys got the call and immediately left to follow Jesus, they left everything behind. Amazing!

What do the disciples see? Lepers healed, eye sight restored to the blind, demons cast out, a paralytic healed and forgiven, tax collectors following Him, phenomenal preaching, great multitudes following Him and two different feedings: 5000 fed from a few fish and loaves, and 4000 fed from a few loaves and some fish!

Miracle after miracle after miracle! Jesus automatically won the approval of most and His disciples saw that. Here is what fascinates me:

After Jesus calms the storm his disciples asked a ridiculous question...after all they have seen, they asked: "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!"

This amazes me because I would have thought that if you followed Jesus that much time and you witnessed with your own eyes all of those miracles and heard with your own ears all of His teaching you would know who He was! If you left EVERYTHING to follow Him!

Three things God is showing me through this:

One is that I need to fall on my face every day and seek His face, seek to know Him, seek to have that intimate relationship with Him. I need to be engrossed with the Word to learn Him.
The second is that no matter how much I think I know Him, He can and will still amaze me with His power!
Lastly: No matter how many miracles I experience even with my own eyes, Jesus will still amaze me and put me into a state of complete awe and wonder like He did with the disciples.

How well do you know Jesus?

Cinnamon Rolls and TV

A few months ago I saw a commercial with a lady walking down a sidewalk eating a cinnamon roll, the next frame showed her from a distance and half of her body was a cinnamon roll. The point of the commercial was that "You are what you eat."

I am by no means and expert on nutrition or even eating correctly but lets put this on the plate anyway. If we eat unhealthy fattening foods we will most likely be unhealthy and get...well, get overweight. If we eat a balanced diet with plenty of veggies, fruit and "healthy" food we will most likely be healthy, and probably war against the enemy - fat.

I don't know about you but this statement really scares me..."You are what you eat." I know I ate some chocolate chip cookies yesterday that were good...but they weren't that good.
Here is the question God is challenging me with:

If my body is influenced so much by cookies, wouldn't my mind and heart be just as influenced with "unhealthy" mind and heart food?

I understand that I need to be very cautious with what I put in my mouth, I also need to be on a consistent exercise program. I need to do these things to be healthier, happier- to live a full, happy and healthy life.

That is good for my body, what about my heart and mind? I need to be just as cautious if not more with what I put into my mind and heart. i.e. tv, music, magazines, books, associations etc. I also need to be on a consistent exercise program. i.e. daily quiet time with God, prayer, Bible study, Church and fellowship with other people striving for the same thing.

Last question: If cinnamon rolls and cookies can be so visible on our physical appearance, how much more can sinful tv shows, sinful magazines and music be visible on our spiritual appearance?

We need to let God use us to the fullest, good physical shape will give us more time and energy to serve Him. We have to have be in good spiritual shape to be used effectively by Him. Are you in shape?

Simply Follow

My 9 month old baby girl has learned to stand up on her own! The only problem is that she is also standing on her own in her crib. What does that mean? Daddy got to lower the mattress part of the crib today. You are probably thinking, "so what" "no big deal." If you are, call me, and next time you can do it!
Cribs are insane! There are so many different screws, places for screws and different ways to do things. It is convenient because it goes from a high crib to a low crib, to a toddler bed to a...a new car! Well the last part is a joke, but it does do a lot.
I started the project thinking that I would be manly and use my drill, good thought, several problems. 1. Didn't have the right size drill bit. 2. Battery was dead. And 3. Drill was too big anyway and would scratch the bed. In spite of the set backs, after 3 trips to the garage I got almost every tool I own trying to make the drill work. I took a couple extra pieces off that didn't need to come off, THEN, I gave up on the drill. I found a simple screw driver in my bag of tools and put everything back together and finally with ease did the work I needed to and got the job accomplished. All the while Lily is playing on the floor and having a good time watching Daddy be so brilliant.

What is the main point here? I am glad you asked. As I was doing this wonderful project I realized that if I would have only just grabbed the simple screw driver in the first place I would have saved myself a LOT of work, trips to the garage and frustration. Why didn't I? I wanted to use a "man tool," I thought the battery operated drill would be faster and on and on. I was wrong. I should have simply done the simple thing and grabbed the simple screw driver.

Isn't this how us Christians are a lot of times, God gives us task or projects and we over think them, we go for the biggest baddest way to do it? Some of us even over complicate simply following Christ, we think we have to wear all the right "Christian" t-shirts and caps, we have to have the right cross necklace, we have to use all the right religious language, we have to go through some ritualistic process for repentance and on and on. What we sometimes may forget or neglect is the simplicity of following Christ.
God made it so easy for us, He gave us the instruction manual (the Bible), He gave us a communication device that allows us to communicate directly with Him (the Holy Spirit).

God has challenged me to forget all the "manly tools" and all the great ways of doing Christianity and simply follow Him. (emphasis added).


Picture these 21 year old girls:
Girl - long natural hair maybe in a bun or braided, long skirt down to feet, blouse tucked in.
Girl - buzz cut hair, multiple earrings, nose ring, denim jeans, converse shoes, tank top, tattoos.
Girl - shoulder length hair, highlights, hoop earrings, trendy t-shirt, seven jeans, cell phone.

I could go on and do the same for men. As you were reading the descriptions you were probably forming judgments in your head about people, you may have even thought of some people you come in contact with.

I went to lunch yesterday and the girl who took my order could be described like girl #2.
I was walking my neighborhood with my family last night when I saw girl #1 walking as well.
I see girl #3 almost on a daily basis, as this is a real popular look.

When I saw girl #1 walking on my street I immediately formed a judgement in my head that she was probably strange, that she is more than likely ultra conservative, doesn't do anything fun, and has a weird personality.

When I saw girl #2, I immediately formed a judgement in my head that she was probably a lesbian, she probably partied and smoked, and was probably more manly than myself.

When I see girl #3, I almost pass her by because I see her type so often, but I still manage to form a judgement that she is probably a daddy's girl, secretly rebellious, has a good girl cover around parents and teachers but is really a party-er, her self worth is more than likely based in her looks or lack of.

WHAT!!??!! Philip! Did you really just put all that out there? Yes, I did! You are probably thinking that I am some kind of judgemental, self righteous super conceited Christian. Guess what? You are right. I hate this about me, I have battled this all of my life. I want it to go away. I HATE judging people, #1 because it is a sin, #2 because judgements are rarely accurate. God has brought me a LONG way, I have not totally gotten over this sin, as soon as I think I have I do it again..........Is this you?

Girl #1 is a Christian lady from a nearby baptist Church and I'm sure is great.
Girl #2 is turned out to be really nice, was very friendly and was quite feminine.
Girl #3 is striving to be accepted and truly wants to please her parents.

Matthew 7:1 tells me to not judge others. The Bible speaks of this other times as well. Why do we do it? (yes, WE) I can't answer this question, but I can tell you what I am doing to attempt to overcome. #1 PRAY. I have been seeking the Lord, and will continue to seek Him on this issue. #2 Accountability. We have to have people that are around us help us. Why? We are so used to judging others that we don't even recognize it anymore, we need help.

IMAGE DOES NOT REVEAL THE HEART! Besides that, how great is your image, how great is my image? Let's let God decide that.

Enter the Joy

Back to the grind stone today. I am coming back refreshed and renewed. I believe that God has some great things in store, I can't wait to see what they are.

I am reminded of the need for a sharp mind and work ethic when reading Matthew 25:14-30 "The Parable of the Talents." The Master gave a certain amount of money to each servant, each returned, two had invested and worked well with their own, one was scared and just didn't want to lose it so he simply buried it and brought it back. What are we doing with what God has given us?

I think about this as I head back to the office today, God has given me a call, a mission, gifts and talents. How will I use them?

I will return to "life" with a renewed work ethic. God has given so much to me. My favorite part of this parable is when the master says to the servant who has done well with his money: "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter in the joy of your lord."

WOW! What a statement! We have all been blessed with "talents" how will we use them, no matter how few we have?

I pray that I may permanently enter into the joy of The Lord!

Vacation lessons Part 5

It seems that every day holds challenges for me. I am on a journey with discerning a call that the Lord has given me. The problem is...well, it's me. I enjoy rash decisions, I like to move. Sometimes I move too fast though, getting ahead of God.

Yesterday I was reminded and challenged to wait on God. I was reminded that not waiting on God and His timing yields negative results. How? Abraham.
In Genesis 15:5 we see that God promises Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars! What and extraordinary promise! Then the problem happened...Abraham. He got inpatient and took it on himself as we see in Genesis 16. Thankfully God still honored his promise to Abraham as we see in Genesis 17.

I have to ask myself, "Do I want to move ahead of God and possibly pay a great price, or should I wait on God and have the great reward?" I immediately answer with "I will wait." But, it is not easy.

Scott Crawford shared "The 5 C's for knowing God's will" and I believe that these will help me to not be rash. We need to have all 5 before pressing on.

1. Gut Conviction
2. Godly Conviction
3. Godly Counsel
4. Circumstances
5. Scripture Confirmation

I am missing one of these C's, I am asking God for it, but I know not to move on this call until God has given it. I am excited for what God is doing in my life. I am challenged to live 100% to His will and plan.