Do you remember when you were a kid? For some that may be easier than others. Anyway, do you remember that time you stole the cookie from the jar and you heard your mom coming so you stuffed it into your mouth real quick? What happened next? You got caught! Of course you did. You can't swallow a cookie that fast.
What about when you were a teenager and you thought you would be "cool" and try that cigarette? You know you did. You changed your shirt, brushed your teeth. Uh huh. You still stank! You still got caught!
Neither of these may have been you. What was it for you? Most of us in our lifetime have done things that we tried to cover up, we tried to camouflage but we still got caught.
Look at this chameleon. He doesn't think anyone can see him. Can you see him? He has spent energy trying to not be seen. Hmm, doesn't look like it worked.
In what area of your life are you being a chameleon? What area of your life are you hiding that needs to be confessed? What area is it that you think no one can see?
No matter how hard we try we can NEVER hide, NEVER! See, even when the teen tried a cigarette, they still held the smell. God knows everything, He knows you all the way down to your thoughts! (Isaiah 55:8)
Looking back at the chameleon, I almost laugh to think that he probably thinks he is totally invisible. Isn't that what we think when we think we've got something covered up really well?