
Picture this: Elderly lady pushing a walker standing at the curb, she is deep in thought on the verge of frustration, she needs to get across the street but she doesn't have the confidence in her feeble body to make it successfully down onto the street, she is afraid she will fall. You are standing about 10 feet away, your first thought may be something like "poor lady" then God speaks to you..."Go help her down onto the street." For some reason you question what God said..."Was that you God, do You really want me to go help her?" God reconfirms His request. Will you be obedient?

I believe that God has called us to extraordinary things, I believe that He wants us to fulfill His work. I think that often times when we decide that we will be obedient to God it is when we can see the fruitful outcome or a reward, it is not out of pure obedience.

John 2:7-9 has challenged me today! Jesus performed His first miracle! For that matter...a miracle period! What stood out to me was, not only did He perform a miracle but He used ordinary people to do it. Could Jesus have provided wine for the wedding party without the jars of water? Absolutely! But, as He did many times throughout Scripture, He used ordinary people to accomplish the impossible!

That stokes me up! I want to do the "impossible" for God, I want to be the hands and feet for God to save the world! I want to be a world changer......but first, I have to be willing to say yes to what I think might be just ordinary, like helping an elderly lady across the street. We have to be faithful in the small things!

What level of obedience do we have? Maybe the extraordinary that we desire is sometimes masked by the image of ordinary to see if we will obey? I want the extraordinary, God wants obedience!