The Journey

We have heard the saying since we were young, people telling us that "life is a journey." I have heard that so much and thought about it so little--until yesterday. I sat in an all day meeting at the beautiful Greystone Estate. I am constantly thinking about and dreaming about the future, whether that is later today, tomorrow, next week or a year from now, that is where my mind is at.
Clint Smith one of the ministers on staff share a couple of stories relating to this topic. These really got me to thinking as God is really working with me on this topic. One story:
Clint shared that his family recently drove to south Arkansas and a couple of his children did what many parents have seen before. One child was constantly asking the question "Are we there yet?" Another child could not stop complaining, "he is sitting too close to me," "this trip is taking too long" and so on.
The point Clint showed the staff with this and another story is that sometimes we get so wrapped up in the trip that we miss the journey. In all of the complaining the children missed the beautiful drive, they missed the quality time the family had together, they missed the rest and relaxation, all because they were too focused on getting there.
God is taking us somewhere, that is true. But as God is showing me, He wants us to see right where we are, He wants us to learn right where we are. If we don't we may not be ready for where God is taking us.
God is really working this one into me right now, I have been the child in the back seat whining and complaining, I have been so ready to get where I think God is taking me that I have began to miss the journey. Maybe the best way to speed the journey is to slow down or stop and take it all in.
Life is a journey don't miss everything looking for the finish line.


Bryan Claypool said...

Great word man! I was reading a devotional the other day and it said " Often the Lord calls us aside from our work for a season, and bids us be still and learn ere we go forth again to minister. There is no time lost in such waiting hours." That spoke to me and made me realize some things. I think it goes along with what you were saying. Sometimes we get so focused on the finish line that we miss the journey and the things God want's to teach us in those times. Some times we need to step back before we can move forward. We need to enjoy the ride and not worry about how long it's going to take. In affect the step back actually is a step forward. I don't want to miss the journey. I don't want to miss what God want's to teach me on the journey. Though it may not be easy or always fun I look forward to the journey that God takes us on!
Love you my brotha!