Die to you talk to Me

I have been having this insane busy week...couple of weeks I suppose would be more honest. Anyway, I have been covered up, bogged down, maxed out and any other way we can think of to portray business. Thankfully God has brought me to Himself all week. He has brought me and showed me many things but I will only share 2 of them today.

1. Die to yourself because I rule (Galatians 2:20)
This sounds kind of like a guy off an older movie I watched once "Odoul Rules" he would always say.
God wants me to do everything so that it brings Him Glory. I don't matter and I never will. This doesn't mean that He won't bless me and give me the abundant life He promised, it just means that all glory, honor and every other good holy word we can think of goes to Him...not me.

2. Talk to Me...no ritualistic praying
Don't romance people with your words to God, romance God with your words to Him.

Please pray for me as we journey into a very large busy week-end. Please pray that God will move through this week's events and many people will meet Him.