Vacation Lessons Part 4

Coming closer to Jesus shows me things about me I didn't really want to see.

Over the course of this vacation I have had more down time--obviously since I am on vacation! With this downtime I have been doing a lot more reading, studying and praying. I really enjoy time like this because I feel that my relationship with Jesus grows more intimate, however, with the more intimate relationship, He shows me things I don't want to see or admit to. One thing Jesus has shown me:

TIME. It is never on my side, and I never have enough of it, but some how I can manage to waste it. The past few days through many different ways Jesus has been telling me to use my time more effectively. A lesson that I'm sure many of us (including myself) have learned over the years.
Over these days off, spent with my family whom I love dearly. I have seen that I don't spend enough quality, let me say that word again...quality time with my family. I know a lot of people say that, most don't ever do anything about it, but I have to. I have had moments this week where I felt like a complete loser husband and a complete loser dad - Why? Because I have not invested enough of the right quality time into my family. I don't know them the way I should. I thought all this time I was a good dad, and I probably am, the problem is that I have not been a GREAT dad. I have a rockin' marriage so I thought I was a good husband, the's not out of the ballpark GREAT.

Now, my wife and I are reading a book with the rest of the staff where I work... "One Month to Live." WOW! God knows I am dumb, deaf and blind. When He wants me to see something He shows me.

3 GREAT moments this week:

1. Talking and dreaming with my wife! GREAT quality time!
2. Making a table with Carmen. GREAT quality time!
3. Putting Lily to bed, just Lily, me and a little soft music as she drifts off to sleep! GREAT quality time!

My heart swells with joy as I reflect on the quality time I have with my family. I am thankful that my Savior cares enough for me to teach me, even if it stings a little in the beginning.

Vacation Lessons Part 3

You go to a restaurant, you are seated, your waiter takes forever to come greet you and take your drink order, your drinks take forever to get to you, you wondering how hard it is to pour a glass of diet coke, others are getting their food and you haven't even ordered yet. You are becoming increasingly angry. As each minute passes by your blood begins to boil. Finally, as your last attempt before yelling "waiter" you begin to rise to your feet to go get a manager. As you begin to rise just around the corner comes your waiter. You sit, your veins are popping out of your head, but you for a moment restrain yourself, the waiter takes your order. 5 minutes later you are completely parched because your drink has not been refilled in surely 40 minutes and your blood is hot! You exchange hateful dialogue about your waiter, the restaurant and everything else to your spouse, you make snooty comments and scheme ways to really mess this waiters day up.....

Does this sound familiar? I have been in that seat many times, for some reason this particular seat is very hard to sit in with patience and a "Christian" attitude.

Over the course of this week we have had a lot of fun, we have been away from the "every day" we have been around people that will most likely never see us again. Even though I have not had a case like above...this week. God reminded me this week that no matter where I am, who I'm with, no matter if I think no one will recognize me or ever see me again, I have to represent Jesus wherever I am or wherever I go.

Ephesians 5:15-16 puts this well.

Remember, eyes are everywhere, walk wise.

Vacation Lessons Part 2

For those who are wondering, we are having a blast! I have had moments of "work relapse" but have made it through.

We have had some really great times and made some great memories over the duration of this vacation. I will share two of my faves:

My number one memory so far happened yesterday morning. My wife and I were on the back porch of our condo completing our morning devotionals when we engaged into a Biblical and vision casting conversation. It was great! We exchanged Scriptures that God has showed us and we dreamed and built vision for our future!
This time was uninterrupted as the girls were still asleep and our phones were put away. This time was great. We were able to connect again at that deep intimate level that so often goes missed with life being so full. Plus, I LOVE dreaming and planning the future!

My second favorite memory so far was a go kart track, yes, that is right! Today we rode go karts, I rode one that went around and around up 3 stories, talk about fun!

My second vacation lesson is to not let my family go to the side pursuing everything else. God, then family!
I am thankful for this time with my family, time to rest, relax and rejuvenate! Praise God for His Greatness!

Vacation Lessons Part 1

What God has taught me through vacation so far.

My wife and I own a time share which if you want to buy it you are welcome to. Anyway, we checked into our resort today, as members or "owners" if you will we got the privilege of doing a "member update" we actually get paid in a way for doing this so we did, plus we were only obligated to go for at max 1 hour. I always start the time with the sales associate by introducing myself and my family then proceeding to tell them that we will not be purchasing MORE points no matter how valuable they are.

Today, everything went as planned. God showed me something new this time around. The sales lady had accepted that we would not be purchasing more, but at the end of our talk she thought of something, she brought in a "sales manager" they teamed and proceeded to attempt to pressure us into the sale, we did not budge, as I promised. They used the "good cop, bad cop" method. Then it happened, God opened my eyes. The "bad cop" sales person said to us "how could you do this to your children?" Referring to not going into debt for MORE points. I was shocked but also moved.

These two ladies pushed and pursued us until we finally said our last "no" they tried different tricks, different gimmicks and different lours. They even brought our children's future into the mix.

I am not saying I enjoyed the pushing, but God did show me that as a Christ follower I need to pursue the lost person with the same zeal and enthusiasm, obviously with more tact. I had to really introspect to realize that these sales ladies were on to something that I need to get on to. The main difference is that my children and the children of millions of other people, their lives are on the line, we are not talking about a real estate deal, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT LIVES that are destined for eternal separation from God if we (Christ followers) don't do something.

I am challenged.

Clouds That Look Like Teddy Bears

Have you ever been in a thunderstorm where the whole sky was black, rain was pouring, lightning was blasting, thunder was pounding and the wind was blowing?

Have you ever thought that the storm would never end? Have you been scared?

When our sky is darkened with clouds, and our air is filled with rain and the electricity from the storm it can be somewhat hard to believe that only an hour or so away the sky could be clear and the air dry.

I am amazed by this. Currently across the world today are skies filled with smoke and fire from war, floods with continuous rain, droughts with nothing but sun, perfect sun, blue skies with the perfect white clouds that look like teddy bears and yes, there are storms.

I am amazed because when a storm fills the sky where I live it feels and looks like that storm has filled the entire [world's] sky, even though I know and understand the science of this, it still amazes me.

God is such an amazing and powerful God!

When your life is consumed in a storm remember that just a short way off there are blue skies with white clouds that look like teddy bears.

Everything changes.


Picture this: Elderly lady pushing a walker standing at the curb, she is deep in thought on the verge of frustration, she needs to get across the street but she doesn't have the confidence in her feeble body to make it successfully down onto the street, she is afraid she will fall. You are standing about 10 feet away, your first thought may be something like "poor lady" then God speaks to you..."Go help her down onto the street." For some reason you question what God said..."Was that you God, do You really want me to go help her?" God reconfirms His request. Will you be obedient?

I believe that God has called us to extraordinary things, I believe that He wants us to fulfill His work. I think that often times when we decide that we will be obedient to God it is when we can see the fruitful outcome or a reward, it is not out of pure obedience.

John 2:7-9 has challenged me today! Jesus performed His first miracle! For that matter...a miracle period! What stood out to me was, not only did He perform a miracle but He used ordinary people to do it. Could Jesus have provided wine for the wedding party without the jars of water? Absolutely! But, as He did many times throughout Scripture, He used ordinary people to accomplish the impossible!

That stokes me up! I want to do the "impossible" for God, I want to be the hands and feet for God to save the world! I want to be a world changer......but first, I have to be willing to say yes to what I think might be just ordinary, like helping an elderly lady across the street. We have to be faithful in the small things!

What level of obedience do we have? Maybe the extraordinary that we desire is sometimes masked by the image of ordinary to see if we will obey? I want the extraordinary, God wants obedience!

Rock tied around neck-drowned

I go through my days with several different things on my mind. Some thoughts are probably the same as many, such as:
God, food, sleep, family, work, money etc.

One thing that I don't think I have ever thought of before is me causing someone to sin. I think about my sin and my lengthy full time attempt to not sin, but rarely do I think if my actions, words or deeds cause someone else to sin.

Now that I am thinking about this I can think of different cases where I have done this. I didn't sit there and scheme to myself how I would cause someone to sin. I bet you have done what I have done too. Have you ever entered into conflict with someone deliberately make them mad? I have. Have you ever began gossiping stories to someone and they gossiped back? We could go on with these, but check this out if you cause someone to sin: " would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." WOW! This will make you think!

I don't want a large millstone tied around my neck, what about you?

Sit Com, Soap, Reality. Sin

Turn on the TV today what do you see? Is there any reason at all to protect yourself? Is any of it harmful?

Over the past few months God has really worked with me on this issue. He has shown me a few things about watching TV, here are a few:

If we want a great marriage we shouldn't watch a show every so often that capitalizes on the humor of crappy marriages.

If we want pure minds and strong commitment to our significant other we shouldn't watch shows that place sexual temptation in front of us.

If we aren't going to commit any crimes (which hopefully no one is even thinking of this) we shouldn't watch shows that make crime glamorous and fascinating.

If we want to get along with others we shouldn't pollute our minds with drama and fighting.

For me to be a better Christ Follower, I have had to reduce the TV.
Cliche...What Would Jesus Do?

I really wonder where our culture, in the Church and out of the Church would go if we stopped being influenced by Hollywood and replaced that influence with Jesus.

Spiritual Language

Have you ever noticed how some people talk when they are in a spiritual setting such as a church group?

Recently I have began to notice how people seem to talk super spiritual when they are in church or especially when they are called on to pray.
We use big super spiritual words, we use scriptures, speak as if we are from the 1800's, we say things like:

"Father, God, Savior, I just pray that You would Uh..."

"Oh Sovereign Master thou art Lord, how we love thee."

"Merciful Savior, bestow upon us Your presence"

Don't get hacked off at me, I am not saying we should not say these things or other similar things. We need to be respectful and reverent when speaking to God, we just need to be careful who we are trying to impress with our words.

God speaks English, if we have to think about our sentence structure before we are called on to pray we may need to check who we are praying to.
God knows each of our hearts and minds we don't need to try to talk in a way because that is how we do it, we should just talk to Him.
I caught myself doing this yesterday, I was in a meeting sharing a Scripture and a point, I caught myself being too spiritual...meaning I was using the language to make a point, rather than being real.

If we do need to speak in old King James language to be spiritual, what percentage of the day are we being spiritual?

I am glad God loves me just the way I am. Because I don't have the intelligence or skill to speak so spiritually all of the time.

Cotton Candy Sky Dive

We had a "family night out" last night with everyone on the Missions team. It was fun, we had pizza at Tim's then went to Mamma Moo's (I think that is what it was) and had ice cream.

I selected an ice cream that was blue, I got made fun of for this one. It was called "Cotton Candy Sky Dive" it was good, and it was in! As kool-aid colors the mouth so does this ice cream, it was quite interesting! I am happy I got this kind because it caused more laughter among my peers, what can I say? I am just trying to improve the quality of atmosphere!
My teeth were blue, my tongue was blue and my lips were blue. It was worth it!

I couldn't tell that my mouth was blue except that everyone was pointing, laughing and calling jokes. If they hadn't of told me I may not of known to look. I found this interesting. I knew I ate blue ice cream but I didn't know that it was showing. Isn't that how sin is sometimes? We commit sins and expect no one to notice? The problem is just like the ice cream colored my mouth, our sins color our lives.
The good news is that the blue coloring from the ice cream washed away, the best news is that our sins can be washed away too!

I am encouraged by this! Many of us maybe even most of us go through life holding on to certain sins thinking no one will notice. The thing is that those sins are just like blue stains all over our mouths. We don't see it but others do, more importantly, God does.


We've got this boat that is really great--do you want to buy it? It is a really nice boat, hardly used, around 15 hours on it. It is a Fish and Ski, so it is kind of like a transformer, it can be a bass boat 1 minute, and a ski boat the next.

One of the amenities is a Lawrence depth finder, this is a really nice in dash feature, it tells me how deep the water is and also shows where stuff is at...really handy for the professional fisherman like myself. :)

For some reason this stinking' depth finder has been going off just like an alarm. It is loud and annoying (in the driveway). I don't understand it, I have turned the machine off but it is like it is possessed it just comes right back on and begins screaming at me again. I got a brilliant idea last night as I could not get it to stop. I detached the battery cables! To no avail, evidently it is connected to the trolling motor batteries which are way to hard to get to. So, I finally pulled up the menu and found the volume control and simply turned it down.

This was certainly not the right or permanent fix for this problem. Isn't this similar to what a lot of us do? God has got an alarm going off in our life and instead of getting to the reason for the alarm we just turn the volume down.

God sets alarms off in my life continually to show me where He wants or needs to work, I can turn the volume down, or listen and allow God to work.

Challenge: Stop ignoring the alarms going off in your life, these are here for a purpose.

Real Power

He made a blind man see, He made a lame man walk, He healed a leper and He fed 5000. He brought a man back from dead to life, He walked on water and He defeated death. This man is the most powerful man alive!

Do we believe these instances? Do we believe that this man really did the things the Bible and history reports?

Before you answer with a "yes" step back like I had to. Do you really believe?

I have heard these stories of what Jesus did all of my life. To many people these stories and more are common knowledge. I almost wanted to answer with a "duh" to the question if I really believed what Jesus has done and does do. After introspection I have come to realize that I do really believe...but, at the same time I had not yet realized just how big of a deal it is to believe in the power of Jesus.

This man brought people back to life, He heals people, He delivers people from bad things, He provides for our needs, for crying out loud! HE DEFEATED DEATH!

I am challenged to daily, consciously believe in the power of Jesus! There is so much power in Jesus that even Jesus followers can call on it, we can use it! That is a big deal!

There is power in the name of Jesus!

A Hand of Joy

Last night my family and I were at Church for a "SERVE" night, where we had a food drive, snack pack packing a blood drive and some odds-n-end work. It was a fun night of serving and fellowship with the church.

The best part for me was early in the evening when we were having dinner. I had a great memorable experience, one that this far into my life I have not experienced before. My 8 1/2 month old daughter took my hand and wrapped her little arm around it as to hug it and with her other hand held mine. Even now thinking of this experience my heart swells with happiness and joy. My daughter loves me! I didn't ask her to hold my hand, I didn't give it to her with intention of leading her to do it, she took it. My daughters are such a blessing to my life!

I think of this experience and swell with joy, at the same time I think of this experience and think of our Savior. Maybe to God, I am like my daughter--when she took my hand. What joy does it give our Heavenly Father when we figuratively take hold of His hand? Just like me with my daughters I could give them my hand, God could easily take our love, but, He receives so much more joy when we give it.

I am challenged! Oh, to please my Father!

Self Discipline-Is it real? Part 2

The question: How does one enforce self discipline on him/herself if they aren't strong in discipline?

The Answer: Self discipline is real, but it has more than one source.

Here are a couple of my thoughts:

1. Self discipline can be acquired.
If we realize that we are not that strong in this area than we need to admit it and seek the trait.

2. Self discipline is not "self" discipline at all.
This trait is given to us by God, He has the power to strengthen us in this area if we ask. 2 Timothy 1:7

3. Self discipline is stronger when fully surrendered to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23

Mastering this trait pays HUGE dividends. This is a practice that God has been working me in all of my life. One, thing that I have realized is that if I just give up my selfishness and allow God to run my life--self discipline becomes a lot easier. Almost effortless.

Self Discipline-Is it real? Part 1

What is self discipline?

How does one enforce self discipline on him/herself if they aren't strong in discipline?

We all need self discipline in each area of our life. Think if we didn't have some level of self discipline in our sleeping, we may just sleep all day long, what could the repercussions be? We could get fired from our job. Without self discipline we could eat to be enormous. Repercussions: obesity possibly death.

Back to the original question: How does one enforce self discipline on him/herself is they aren't strong in discipline?

Do we sometimes do what we don't want to do to get what we want? Do we "pay the price" so we can "play for life"?

I believe for me that self discipline is required in my journey with Jesus, even though I truly want and desire a deep intimate walk with Him, I have to make myself--enforce self discipline to get myself up in the morning. I have to consciously choose to say no to sins and yes Him.

How do we do this? Do we really have enough self discipline to put ourselves into a figurative "timeout" when we don't do right?

Redneck for Jesus

My biggest part of our Church's Kidapalooza journey is over! Alleluia! It was a TON of work, but in the end, totally worth it! We saw people meet Jesus, and more people are coming to the rest of the Kidapalooza week where they will have the opportunity to do the same. God is awesome!

My feet are sore, my body is zapped but worst of all today I am a "redneck."

Despite the sunburn and intense busy schedule, God worked big time through these festivals, people have met Him for the first time! This is huge! Who goes to a festival plays a few games and maybe jumps around in an inflatable game and then meets Jesus?! Peoples lives were permenantly changed because of a simple festival.

Sunburn or no burn, tired or not tired, God has been glorified and lifted up, I am happy!

On a lighter side, I wore a bandana around my head the whole week-end so even though I am not longer wearing it, well, it looks like I am. It is quite humorous!

Please pray for The Church at Applegate, we have established a great core, some leaders and are believing in God for a great crowd this coming Sunday. We are also believing God for more leaders. Please pray.


Full time Husband, full time dad, full time minister, full time...and the list goes on. Without the week being fully completed God has taken me to school.

Have you ever learned or re-learned something you thought you already knew? Sometimes the hard lessons can be something we already know. This week I have been slapped in the face with of...well college of whatever. God has reminded me this week to keep my priorities straight.

I don't remember where I heard the statement: "Don't sacrifice family on the altar of ministry." That simple statement is amazing instruction. This week it has been easy to put my family on the altar. God is good, my family is good, and I have again been educated.

Die to you talk to Me

I have been having this insane busy week...couple of weeks I suppose would be more honest. Anyway, I have been covered up, bogged down, maxed out and any other way we can think of to portray business. Thankfully God has brought me to Himself all week. He has brought me and showed me many things but I will only share 2 of them today.

1. Die to yourself because I rule (Galatians 2:20)
This sounds kind of like a guy off an older movie I watched once "Odoul Rules" he would always say.
God wants me to do everything so that it brings Him Glory. I don't matter and I never will. This doesn't mean that He won't bless me and give me the abundant life He promised, it just means that all glory, honor and every other good holy word we can think of goes to Him...not me.

2. Talk to ritualistic praying
Don't romance people with your words to God, romance God with your words to Him.

Please pray for me as we journey into a very large busy week-end. Please pray that God will move through this week's events and many people will meet Him.

Tires and Fire

Have you ever over inflated a tire? Most tires have the "max PSI" embedded on the tire wall, for example the max on my car is 35lbs. What happens if I tried to put in say 50 or even 60lbs? It would most likely blow up. Now days tires are so tough and good that you can not hardly tell if you are over inflating it, I have never done it but I would assume that the tire would just all of the sudden blow up. A bike tire on the other hand, this tire is much smaller and easier to judge the...getting ready to blow factor.
Interesting thing about tires; if someone is trying to put too much air into them they will stretch and eventually not take it anymore, they will give push back through the valve or they will simply break.
I have recently been extremely challenged by Jeremiah 20:9. In this verse the author explains feelings that I've had and you may have too. Following Jesus is not the easiest thing in the world, often times it is easier to follow the world than Jesus, that is where it seems the author was at, he was saying..."I just want to take a break from the work of speaking of You." Matter of fact, he was tired, he was tired of getting made fun of and mocked. Does this sound familiar?
But despite of the mocking and the desire to fit in the author puts it plain as day. He says that he can not hold it in any longer, it is like a burning fire deep inside his bones, WOW! Or maybe like a tire getting ready to explode.
This is the way we as Christ Followers should be, we should be a 35 max lb tire with 60lbs of pressure (Christ and His Scripture) inside of us. We should have a fire burning deep inside of our bones wanting out! How powerful is this message!? God is a "consuming fire" has He consumed you? If He has, share Him. If you are over inflated, don't explode but gently release the valve cap and release Godliness and Christ message for many to hear. Just don't shut the Message of Christ inside of you, allow it to consume you but not be trapped inside.
An interesting thing about fire is that consumes everything in it's path. God is a consuming fire are you fanning that fire or are you dumping water on it?
When I read Jeremiah 20:9 I get so fires me up, I feel the same way, I just have to let His message out, I have to share Him with others, my chest inflates, my throat tightens and my blood pressure increases, the message of Jesus Christ is the most powerful message for anyone to ever hear and we need to kill selfishness and let it out!

The Journey

We have heard the saying since we were young, people telling us that "life is a journey." I have heard that so much and thought about it so little--until yesterday. I sat in an all day meeting at the beautiful Greystone Estate. I am constantly thinking about and dreaming about the future, whether that is later today, tomorrow, next week or a year from now, that is where my mind is at.
Clint Smith one of the ministers on staff share a couple of stories relating to this topic. These really got me to thinking as God is really working with me on this topic. One story:
Clint shared that his family recently drove to south Arkansas and a couple of his children did what many parents have seen before. One child was constantly asking the question "Are we there yet?" Another child could not stop complaining, "he is sitting too close to me," "this trip is taking too long" and so on.
The point Clint showed the staff with this and another story is that sometimes we get so wrapped up in the trip that we miss the journey. In all of the complaining the children missed the beautiful drive, they missed the quality time the family had together, they missed the rest and relaxation, all because they were too focused on getting there.
God is taking us somewhere, that is true. But as God is showing me, He wants us to see right where we are, He wants us to learn right where we are. If we don't we may not be ready for where God is taking us.
God is really working this one into me right now, I have been the child in the back seat whining and complaining, I have been so ready to get where I think God is taking me that I have began to miss the journey. Maybe the best way to speed the journey is to slow down or stop and take it all in.
Life is a journey don't miss everything looking for the finish line.

Shake and Bake

I have many different sayings "philipisms" as my wife calls them. Recently someone left me a voice mail and began with "Philip-shake and bake Becker!" I did start using this phrase before the Will Farrell movie that made it popular, and I will continue to use it until I don't like it anymore--or if Jesus told me to stop.
Why am I talking about the phrase "shake and bake"? I think we can get something out of almost anything. As a Christ Follower I believe that this is what I need, no have to do, I have to shake and bake for Jesus. Think about the words themselves for just a moment, the process of shaking will change things up! Look at a cake before and after you bake it! Everything changes. We need to let God put us in the little plastic bag with a good mix of Scripture, prayer and Church and let Him shake us up, then take us out and bake us in Him. Think about the outcome. That gets me fired up just thinking about it. Shake and bake!