Vacation Lessons Part 4
Coming closer to Jesus shows me things about me I didn't really want to see.
Over the course of this vacation I have had more down time--obviously since I am on vacation! With this downtime I have been doing a lot more reading, studying and praying. I really enjoy time like this because I feel that my relationship with Jesus grows more intimate, however, with the more intimate relationship, He shows me things I don't want to see or admit to. One thing Jesus has shown me:
TIME. It is never on my side, and I never have enough of it, but some how I can manage to waste it. The past few days through many different ways Jesus has been telling me to use my time more effectively. A lesson that I'm sure many of us (including myself) have learned over the years.
Over these days off, spent with my family whom I love dearly. I have seen that I don't spend enough quality, let me say that word again...quality time with my family. I know a lot of people say that, most don't ever do anything about it, but I have to. I have had moments this week where I felt like a complete loser husband and a complete loser dad - Why? Because I have not invested enough of the right quality time into my family. I don't know them the way I should. I thought all this time I was a good dad, and I probably am, the problem is that I have not been a GREAT dad. I have a rockin' marriage so I thought I was a good husband, the's not out of the ballpark GREAT.
Now, my wife and I are reading a book with the rest of the staff where I work... "One Month to Live." WOW! God knows I am dumb, deaf and blind. When He wants me to see something He shows me.
3 GREAT moments this week:
1. Talking and dreaming with my wife! GREAT quality time!
2. Making a table with Carmen. GREAT quality time!
3. Putting Lily to bed, just Lily, me and a little soft music as she drifts off to sleep! GREAT quality time!
My heart swells with joy as I reflect on the quality time I have with my family. I am thankful that my Savior cares enough for me to teach me, even if it stings a little in the beginning.