Happy Valentines Day! My wife, Mindy is my best friend. In honor of my love for her I am going to share a little bit of what attracted me to her.
The very first time I laid eyes on Mindy, she had a glow around her, similar to a halo only larger; circling her whole body. Angelic. I remember looking at her and being intimidated; not normal. "Wow!" Is all I could think.
We talked business. She is very business minded and entrepreneurial- hot! To this point I had never met a gorgeous woman with business skills and motivation. I was blown away!
If you know Mindy, you have probably noticed this. She has 1000+ smiles. Each of them beautiful. Each of them unique. Each of them saying something different. After 2.5 years of marriage I am still discovering new smiles.
Everyone likes Mindy. She is the friendliest person I have ever met. She is not one of those people who likes you to your face, then talks about you behind your back. She is genuine. People want to be around Mindy because she is a great conversationalist. She is great with people and a great friend!
She is solid. When she makes her mind up, it's done. When she says she is going to do something she does it. That is really nice!
In the first week or two with Mindy, I had lunch with a friend at Jim's Razorback Pizza. I love Jim's Razorback Pizza. I told him that my future wife would share this; Jim's Razorback would be her favorite too. Soon after, I went to Mindy's house for dinner, she had ordered pizza. That's right. Jim's Razorback Pizza! Sign from God?!
Mindy is similar to June Cleaver in her service. She does so much for me and our family. She does it with out complaining. I remember many of our first breakfast's: Scrambled eggs, toast and fruit. She does without expecting a return.
I could go on all day and make this blog into a book, I will spare you.
Mindy, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world in my eyes! I love you with all of my heart. I have committed the rest of my life to you, you are my gorgeous bride! I love you!
Mindy, will you be my valentine?