Is that coffee or skunk?

Here's the scene: Person laying in bed asleep. Spouse is in the kitchen brewing a nice pot of coffee. As the coffee is brewing the aroma travels throughout the whole house eventually making it's way to the person who is asleep. Then it happens, the person awakes. They sit up and take the intoxicating aroma in. "Ah, smells like...skunk."

Last night in my connection group we did a relationship exercise where we all learned one fact about each other. One girl said that sometimes she can't tell the difference between coffee and skunk! What is up with that?! I can't see how these two could be mixed up.
As I have thought about this comment today, I have realized something:
Coffee is good to most people right? A lot of people enjoy this drink and in many different ways. Skunks on the other hand are hated by most of civilization. At least there aroma is hated. We are cautious, we don't want to scare one or run over one. And, we dread it when someone else does and we have to smell it.
Coffee and skunk are generally totally opposite!
I think us Christians have coffee/skunk capabilities. We are pleasant, friendly and most people like us. However at times we get confused with skunks. What? Yes, I said that. Here's how:
Negative attitude
Self righteous attitude
Holier than thou attitude
Religious superiority
Know it all, and the list could go on. When we are in any of these attitudes in a variety of different ways -we stink! People don't want to be around us and just like the smell of skunk lingers and you can't get rid of it. People will do everything to get rid of us.
We need to get some sanitizer and air freshener and fix this problem. We've got to get over our "godly, holy, perfect attitude." Christianity is dying these days because a lot of us have stunk the place up.
The challenge for us Christians today - get some sanitizer and air freshener (The Bible and prayer) and be pleasant before we turn more people away from the love of Jesus!