3 Broken Toes
I broke three of my toes trying to rescue my daughter.
Friday afternoon my four year old Carmen was playing in her home made club house in the living room. This clubhouse consisted of a cardboard box and a quilt. Ah, to have the imagination of a four year old again!
I had just stepped into my office and sat down at the desk when I heard a huge thump and an immediate screaming cry from Carmen. I instantaneously jumped from my chair and took off for the living room...only to be slowed down by the door and my left foot kicking the door jam as hard as possible.
I didn't let this slow me too much as Carmen was crying, I hopped the rest of the way into the living room. As I layed down on the floor I retrieved Carmen from the folded box, held her on top of me and tried to calm her all the while wanting to cry myself and maybe throw up from the deep pain in my foot and toes.
Later I realized that 3 of my toes were broken and they still hurt as I write this.
Something God just showed me a few moments ago through my pain was "a father's love." See, even though I know God loves me so much it is hard sometimes to see or believe as we have problems that we don't think are getting fixed.
Here's the break down: My foot was absolutely killing me, but my thoughts were not for my foot they were for my hurting daughter.
Jesus' thoughts were not for his dying body but for the rest of civilization. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR EVERY PERSON TO KNOW HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM?
My prayer for you today is that no matter where you are in your spiritual journey you will wake up and fall in love with Jesus! He loves you, you owe Him EVERYTHING!
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay our life down for our brothers." 1 John 3:16