If you were a book...
If you were a book how would you read?
Have you ever saw a book thought it looked good so you picked it up, read the back and discovered it was junk?
How about a book that looked good, the back read good but once you got through the first chapter or two you tossed it because it was junk?
There are tons and tons of books written and published every year, but only few make it to the best seller list. Why is that? Most of them are junk! Books are hard to write...I know on a minuscule level as I have tried to start writing one.
What makes a good book? Content! Back to the 90's for a sec..."duh!" In order for the book to sell people have to want it. They have to be attracted to it enough to pick it up, then captivated quickly through a brief description or thesis.
Some books have great content, some don't, some will catch you and not let you go while others will merely disappoint you and possibly discourage you from reading altogether.
What kind of book are you? Every day people are "reading" each other. People are getting sold on your personality or the opposite. People are diving into you one chapter at a time by way of friendship. Are you filled with great content or are you discouraging people from reading?
As I mentioned earlier - tons of books are written every year and very few make it to the best seller list. This means that some if not most of those other books don't hold very good content. Out of the tons of books written every year, which have the most influence? Should I say it again? "Duh!" (Maybe this is my word of the day.) The best sellers are the most influential.
Today as your friends, family and acquaintances read the book of you resolve within yourself to be a best seller. Be that one book that hits the top of the charts and people can't go without.