Burn Baby, Burn!

God has lit a new fire, a new passion in my life. I am absolutely jakd about it! Yesterday I had the opportunity to share this with my brotha (bf) and my wife (bff). I was so ignited by the response, the passion, the dream and the vision! All which God started in me-us and we get to run with it.

I had a great time visioning, dreaming and planning for this God given idea. I am so thankful to my wife and brotha for being there, encouraging, challenging, shooting ideas, and keeping me sane. Isn't it so awesome how God puts people in your life to lift you up, to keep you normal, to help you be extraordinary!?

Without people to share this, the passion in the fire may dim down. I don't believe that God wants that to happen, He wants it to burn like crazy, He wants it to consume the culture. He wants Himself to consume the culture. He wants His Cross to consume the culture.

Who is it in your life that you can be passionate with? Who is it that you can be transparent with? Having people like this in your life is SO important. Think about a real fire, someone has to make it (God) someone has to keep loading it with wood (others)! This is important!

What does God want to do with, in or through you? Who does God want to use to pour gas on you so you can burn for Jesus? (figurative-don't set yourself on fire).

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life, what will you do with it?"