Dreaming Fleas Part 1
I am a dreamer and a visionary. I am person who believes that anything can happen. Yes, I said anything.
I believe that if you wanted to share Christ with most or all of America you could.
I believe that if you wanted to become a millionaire you really could.
I believe that if you wanted to start a cause to slow global warming you really could.
I believe that if you wanted to get into the best shape of your life you really could.
I believe that if you wanted to start a new business you could.
I believe that if you wanted to have and grow a healthy family you could.
I believe that just about whatever you want to do you can.
Most people are probably wondering where I will inject the "If it's God's will", it is coming...tomorrow.
Dream for a moment. What is your biggest dream or aspiration?
Here is the problem: Most people in our civilization don't believe they can so they try to make it harder for others.
Now here is the next problem: Now that you've heard that statement, the excitement of your dream dwindled back down.
If you trap a few fleas in a jar they will jump out to their freedom.
If you trap a few fleas in a jar and put saran wrap on the top they will jump and hit their heads.
After many headaches and chiropractor visits they choose to not jump so high.
If you removed the saran wrap what happens?
The fleas continue to jump pain free. Only now they don't jump out. They are your prisoners forever. Why? They don't know that the clear barrier isn't still there. It hurts too much to jump and check.
This way they feel like they are working and trying to get free. In reality they are doing nothing. Just a great workout program.
What is the saran wrap in your life?