I had the opportunity take an old friend to the Summit yesterday. Since we are not fortunate enough to be able to connect more than only every couple of months he had not seen the black stripe in my hair. So I now have a new nick name..."Black hawk." Nice!
Two things I took away from this time:
1. Relationships are important!
2. We need relationships so people can be there for us when we have ups and downs.
I carved pumpkins with my girls yesterday morning. That was great! Carmen wanted her pumpkin to be scary. She showed the pumpkins face and roared at same time. Her face was priceless! Lily painted her little pumpkin. How adorable! She actually did it, she held the brush and did it. Amazing! She was done painting when she began to play peek a boo with her hands...which were covered with paint! Too cute!
Mindy is a rock star of a mom and wife! She really knows how to lead our family into a great time of bonding and making memories.
We went to the Loving Choices banquet last night. Mindy volunteers here and she hosted our table. She did a great job! If you are not involved with Loving Choices, well, you should prayerfully consider how you could be. Here are a couple of facts from last night:
1. 43% of women age 50 and under have or will be affected by abortion.
2. The lady who was "Roe vs Wade" is now a sold out Christ follower who stands strongly against abortion...publicly.
It doesn't take that much to be a HUGE part of saving lives!
Great day!