New Construction
WOW! Yesterday was it, praise the Lord!
I am so excited the tearing down is done. I already feel refreshed and renewed and I am excited to see how the re-build goes.
One of the things that I have learned over these past few days, especially yesterday is that no matter how much I thought I knew I didn't really know.
I have been reading and doing independent studies for several years, I have been in business I have had success. I have met with great leaders, highly successful business people and highly educated people. I have continually sought out knowledge and experience, I have been like a sponge continually craving more. BUT, now I feel like I haven't learned anything! Don't argue with me, just come along.
I am not saying I am stupid, I am not saying that I have forgotten everything I have ever learned. What I am saying is... follow this... I thought I knew more than I knew. Right this very moment I am looking at my bookshelf's, full of books that I have read, books that have enlightened me and taught me. Today, I could go back and read them all again and it would be like I have never read them before.
My mind I new, my ego is... well I want to say it is gone but that might be egotistical, it is smaller. God has done a major work in my life. If you have followed along with this months blogs you know some of what I am saying.
I am SO encouraged, I am entering into this great new journey of development,!
Please pray for me in this time.