The Man with THE PLAN

I have shared a couple times this week how my house is getting tore down, that is no exaggeration. I don't know why this week, why this time, why this season, I just don't know. I do know this though, God has the plan.

As I laid in bed this morning reflecting over years gone by I realized that everything has led perfectly to this week. I have never been ready before. I don't know if I needed more story, or I just needed more time.

Allow me to reinforce that nothing has happened this week, there have been no fights between me and anyone, there have been no accusations, nothing. God simply took me on a journey.

Even though I have felt more than defeated this week, God has been more than present. I was brought to an analogy this morning after disciplining my daughter. It was after it was all over, I was sharing with her, helping her to understand the reason we discipline, helping her see why she got where she was and why I was doing what I was help her see the plan. We have a plan, a plan to help her become the greatest young lady ever, the greatest Christ Follower, the most obedient, well mannered and well disciplined. She can't see the whole plan yet, all she sees is the present.

Just like me, I have problems seeing God's whole plan, all I can see is the present troubles and heartaches.

I have gone through what I believe to be a very pivotal week in my life. I do believe that God has great plan for my life, and I am willing to allow Him to carry it matter how hard it is.

The great news: As with my daughter, there is great reward for her through her behavior. The same with me, there is great reward for me through my behavior. Key point, follow God's plan even when I can't see why.

Are you following God's plan for your life?


Debbie Claypool said...

Just wanted to let you know I've been inspired by your blog lately. It's neat to see the man you're becoming.