90 to Nothing
Out of frustration the truck behind me jerked from behind me over to the "fast" lane in order to pass me and the slow goer in front of me. Only to end up behind me again about a half a mile ahead.
Have you ever been this person? You may not even be in a hurry, you are just on a mission, a mission to get from point A to point B. The problem is that every one keeps getting in your way! People pull out right in front of you while eating a sausage biscuit and talking on the cell phone. Grandma drives 10 MPH under the speed limit. And for some reason the car in the fast lane can't go any faster than the car in the slow lane who is going UNDER the limit. What is up with that?! So with a small amount of frustration you take every chance you get to advance in the race to wherever you are going. You swerve in and out of a traffic, you tail gate the person in front of you in order to squeeze over and in the end at the finish line or at least at the light before exiting to your finish line you realize...all of that racing, swerving and reckless driving got me 1 car length in front of the grandma who was driving 10 under.
What was the point? You didn't make any major advancements and you certainly didn't "win!" After all, no one else knew you were racing!
I drove through this situation this morning, only I for once was the person casually driving along in no major hurry. (this may be a first).
Isn't this how life is sometimes? We speed though constantly changing lanes, trying everything to make advancements and in the end we may be no further ahead?
I am not saying that the turtle wins. I am certainly not a believer in that joke. What I am saying is that when we have a mission, a calling if you will. We should be consistent, solid, on a pace. See, in the end the person who wins is the person who makes it, the person who successfully lived in God's will and plan. We all need to count the cost of wreckishly changing lanes in our life at any little desire.
If you keep driving down life's highway changing lanes, speeding, tail gating and the like you are more than likely to get in a wreck, therefore devastating all hopes of making it to the finish line. Much less with any amount of success or accomplishments.
That person going 10 under the speed limit, don't just pass them by without a second thought. God may have placed them in your life for a reason. You may be speeding right by the people God wants you to make deposits in.
Allow God to lead you, peacefully let Him guide you through the highway's of life.