To Serve or Not
Take the trash out.
Clean your room.
Wash the dishes.
Bathe the kids.
Change the babies diaper.
Clean the car.
Have you ever heard any of these request/commands before? Maybe from your spouse or a parent? I have heard plenty of them, as I'm sure most of us have.
What is the attitude when we are told or asked to do something? Do you remember that movie "Big Daddy" with Adam Sandler? Do you remember that scene where Adam Sandler (Big Daddy) was quietly eating chips and watching a hockey game when the boy (Julius I think) woke up from his nap and he wanted to watch the "Kangaroo Song?" It was so important to the boy that he watches the video because it is his routine...nap, watch the kangaroo song. However, it was very important to Big Daddy to watch the hockey game. They went back and forth for a minute then finally the boy was allowed to watch the video.
What's the moral here? Do whatever kids want to do? Absolutely not! Big Daddy wanted to make the boy happy, he wanted to serve him, sure a little of that desire came from the fit the boy was throwing, but genuinely deep down inside he wanted to serve the boy and make him happy.
Shouldn't we be this way with everyone? Not to simply give everyone everything they want. We should have a desire to serve everyone, we should have a passion to put other people first. Why? To share Jesus.
According to Scripture we are free from all men. We are not in slavery. We are free. "Land of the free, home of the brave." According to Scripture we should be servant to all.
"I am free and belong to no one. But I make myself a slave to all people to win as many as I can." 1 Corinthians 9:19
"To win as many as I can." We are called to serve others in order to win them to Christ. We are not to serve others to bring glory to ourselves. We are not to serve others to give your life to them. We ARE to serve others in order to WIN AS MANY TO CHRIST as we can.
We should be imitators of our Savior, the Lord of all, Jesus Christ. He came and became servant to all. He did not become servant to all for His sake but for the sake of His Father. He came that we might receive true life and to bring Glory to God The Father.
We know what Christ did, He served all and died for all. We can hear the instruction from Paul in 1 Corinthians, "be a slave to all so we can win as many as we can." What is holding you back?
In the movie "Big Daddy" the hockey game held him back, but eventually he surrendered. What do you need to surrender? How much fuller would your life be if you did as Christ did and became a slave to all?
I am not suggesting that you throw yourself into a slavery as of old times. I am suggesting that you serve others, making them more important than yourself. For what purpose? Winning more people to Jesus!
What is the focus in your life today? Yourself, or others? What do you need to do immediately to become more like Christ? How many are destined for eternal separation from God because you are not willing to serve and share?
Instead of the request/commands at the top of the page, how about these:
Thanks for taking the trash out, I didn't even ask!
Thanks for cleaning your room, you weren't even told!
Thanks for washing the dishes, what a surprise!
Thanks for bathing the kids, what a blessing! Etc.
Thanks for getting that door for me or helping me with my groceries or getting that off of the top shelf for me, etc. By serving others we are being imitators of Jesus. By serving others we are sharing Jesus, who knows what God will do next? You could be serving someone and they ask you what you have. Then you lead them to Jesus.
Are you ready to serve?