Religious Hole
Recently I spent a lot of time at an event called Bikes, Blues & BBQ. It is the 3rd largest biker rally in the country, and the 1st largest as far as how much money is raised for charity.
If you have never been, here is an idea of what it looks like: Thousands of bikes, plenty of food vendors, fair type atmosphere, loud live music, stunt bike shows and plenty of other things.
I helped with what was called Kids Zone. It was an absolute blast! We had the opportunity to see more than 1500 people come through our tent!
Before coming to BBB (Bikes, Blues & BBQ) I wanted a bike, now I need one. That was just a little side note.
The culture of people at this biker rally was quite different than the culture I live in every day. The way people dressed was different, they way they talked, what they ate, the music they listened to and so on. The biker community is really their own culture.
I went to the event with a small expectation of a somewhat dark feeling. I kind of thought that it would just be dirty, and their would be that evil feeling in the air. I was wrong! The realization that I was wrong happened immediately. It was quite the opposite in fact, the feeling I got was good, fun, kind of almost felt like going to camp or something.
Not only did we have great success in our tent, I am encouraged and challenged by this whole event.
As Christians we should minister to everyone. We should lay our judgements aside, lay our pride aside, lay our religious beliefs aside and simply share Jesus. In the first letter Paul wrote to the church at Corinth Paul laid it out for us: Read this then come back!
I am not telling you to become a biker and turn your life over to reaching more bikers. I am simply saying that we need to minister where we are.....
We need to pull our heads out of the religious hole wipe them off and get to Jesus business.