As Great as Filthy Rags

My whole life I have desired to be great. Growing up I felt like I was ripped off, like I got the short straw, like I was being punished for someone elses problems. I did not choose what home to be born into!
I say that because I was born into poverty, we literally did not have running water or electricity until I was 7 years old. No joke. We had old clunker cars that barely worked. We never had nice things, if we wanted something nice we had to work for it. The reason I began working at age 10 (lawns, baby sitting etc.).

All these years I have been working and living my life trying to be great, trying to be something that I wasn't. I certainly wasn't going to admit I was poor white trash. I was going to be something different, something great!

Through my life I have gotten so jacked over how I was raised that I have gone to the other side of the spectrum, forgetting that my parents were doing everything they knew to do to give me a good life, forgetting that my parents did love me, forgetting that even though they could not give me new clothes, they gave me what they could, they took me to Church.

I think of a section of Scripture at this moment of reflection. Maybe you have heard it before. One part goes something like this: "My righteousness are like filthy rags." Isaiah 64:4-6 Please take a moment to read this. This is a verse I learned when I was little. However it has never meant so much to me until now.

No matter how great I thought I was, no matter how "righteous" I thought I was, I was and have never been better than "filthy rags"! Even today, I am living for Jesus, I work for Him full time vocationally, I am raising my family to follow Him! Still, my righteousness is no better than filthy rags. The good new is in the first couple of verses, we see that God still helps us, disregarding our filthiness!

God is great, I am not! These past few days have certainly been a lesson in humility.